Minutes of the Great Gidding Charity Trustee meeting held on Tuesday 20th January 2015 in the Village Hall

Chair:           Andrew Alexander
Trustees:     Paul Hodson, Rachel Giddens, Chris Howden, Lydia James
Clerk:           Caroline Bradley
Members of the public:     3

Chair advised that the Clerk would be audio-recording the meeting for the benefit of the minutes.

1.15 Apologies and reasons for absence
Clerk reported that Trustee Hayden had sent his apologies and these were accepted by the members.
2.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
3.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
4.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 18th November 2014
The minutes were, unanimously, approved as a true record of events and the Chair signed and dated them.
5.15 Matters arising from the minutes (information only)
Reports from Trustees inc:-
6.15 Allotments – unworked plots update from Trustee Howden
Trustee Howden confirmed that all plots were now clear of weeds.  The Clerk confirmed that Mr and Mrs Titmus had not taken up a plot which allowed Chris Burton (on the waiting list) to take up plot 3.  The PC offered the plot, free of charge, to Chris until April when all allotment holders would be invoiced.
Clerk advised that there was a DD payment of £7.98 to Anglian Water for the allotment area.
7.15 Jubilee Wood, inc:-
A review of the risk assessment policy
The Chair offered to review the various risk assessment information and report back at the next meeting.
Clerk to report to Trustees regarding communication with the Community Payback Team (CPT) and possibility of using their services to maintain the wood
The Clerk advised that she had made contact with Keith Mansfield who led the CPT and Trustee James offered to liaise with Keith regarding areas of the village that are in need of work.  Clerk to supply Trustee James with Keith’s email address and Trustee James to report back at the next meeting.
Discussion regarding the New Pond in the wood
Included in the above discussion.
8.15 Horse Pond – winter maintenance and gate possibility, inc:-
A review of the risk assessment policy
To be reviewed with the risk assessment information.
9.15 Items for discussion on the next agenda
No new items to be added.
10.15 Date of next meeting
17th February 2015

Meeting closed at 9.30pm

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