These draft minutes will not be approved until the next meeting
Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Trustee meeting held on 17th November 2015
Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Trustee
meeting held on 17th November 2015
Present: Trustees Alexander, James, Hodson, Giddens, Howden and the Clerk
Members of the public: None
74.15 Apologies and reasons for absence
It was understood that Trustee Hayden was unwell.
75.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
76.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 20th October 2015
Minutes were, unanimously, approved as a true record of the meeting.
Trustee Alexander signed and dated them.
77.15 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
78.15 Update of 48 Main Street boundary
The letter received at the previous meeting was with the Chair of the committee
and was reviewed at the recent committee meeting which the owner of 48 Main
Street attended and conversed with the committee.
It was recognised that some demolition work had taken place and the Village
Hall access used.
The Trustees noted two things:
• The owner had requested a formal agreement be reached allowing a better access
the 15ft access strip that runs along the wall of 50 Main Street.
• A request from the owner to purchase a small piece of land from the Trust, which
would allow a straight 15ft access.
After a discussion, it was decided that Trustee Alexander would seek legal advice and
would prose a letter from the Trustees to the owner, so that a formal agreement could
be reached about the use of the access and driveway, by contractors, during the build
process. To be reviewed at the next meeting.
79.15 Feedback following the public committee meeting regarding the future of the
Village Hall on 13th October 2015 and the committee meeting on the 9th November
2015 After a full discussion, the Trustees, unanimously, decided to support the Village
Hall committee for the next 12 months and would like to see an increase in usage.
Trustees Alexander and James to review how to better communicate the benefits of
booking the Village Hall to residents.
80.15 Items for discussion on next agenda Continuing discussions.
No new items.
81.15 Date of next meeting 15th December 2015,
following the Parish Council meeting.
Meeting closed 9.25pm
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