Minutes of Great and Little Gidding Parish Council Meeting
Held on Tuesday 17th March 2020 at Great Gidding Village Hall
PRESENT: Cllrs Hodson, Dear and Pudney, and Parish Clerk
*** some agenda items have been deferred to future meetings due to the virus outbreak.
161.19 Chairman’s Welcome – Cllr Hill welcomed those present
162.19 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
County Councillor Gardener – attendance at another meeting
District Councillor Alban – ill health
163.19 There were no Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
164.19 There were no members of the Public or Press present
165.19 To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 18th February 2020 – signed by Cllr Hill after proposal by Cllr Hodson and Cllr Dear
166.19 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item
Cllr Dear enquired about the pot holes in Chapel End being reported and will photograph them to enable Clerk to submit a report.
Clerk advised that there has been no response to date on the three planning issues that had been reported to Huntingdon District Council Planning Department and Chorus Homes.
To receive reports from Councillors:
Cllrs Hodson and Dear have been carrying out many tasks in the Parish over the past month – Clerk will update the relevant TO DO lists to reflect this.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements
b) to note the Budget control statement – copies distributed to Councillors
c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve and sign cheques in respect of the following:
1) P Hodson – Maintenance of Rec Ground toilet £33.39 (
2) J R Trolove – Clerks working hours for January + stamps £xxx (no VAT)
3) to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 29th February
***There will be payments to be made from the Village Hall accounts too.
169.19 Local Highways Initiative Bid for 2021-2022 – deadline 31 May 2020
Consider improvements to Chapel End, Luddington Road and Mill Road.
Cllr Hill advised that notification has been received today that the current LHI bid has been successful – details to follow at next meeting.
Cllr Hill requested other Councillors to put forward their ideas for the next bid, and will include requests from residents regarding Luddington Road and Mill Road (extending 30MPH speed zones and installing new speed signs), and Chapel End (parking). He will then devise an application for discussion at the April meeting prior to submission to CCC.
170.19 Recreation Ground update
Proposal to purchase swing seats – how many and from which manufacturer – 4 seats would be required – Clerk to contact Wicksteed to confirm the price per seat.
Review of hiring agreement and hire charges – Cllr Dear requested a review, should anyone wish to hire the field. It was agreed that, due to the many and varied potential uses, this would be decided on each individual application to the Clerk.
Bradgate have not yet cut the Rec Ground – Clerk will remind them.
Cllr Hodson proposed the purchase of a ride on mower for Rec Ground (CIL money could be put towards the cost), to ensure the football pitch/running track is always available for use by the School. Quotes will be obtained and this will be discussed further at the April meeting.
171.19 Newsletter to parishioners – Clerk met with CARESCO’s Office manager – see attached report – it was agreed not to pursue this but to continue our current “in house” arrangements for printing and distribution. Councillor Dear has drafted an outline for a future edition of the Gidding News (formerly Clarion) for Councillors to consider.
(see 178.19 (1)) It was agreed that a flyer should be distributed with village contact details during the virus outbreak – Clerk and Councillors to devise and distribute as soon as possible
172.19 Councillor training – Cllr Dear – DEFERRED
173.19 Clerk’s appraisal feedback – Cllrs Hill and Hodson carried out the appraisal and copies of the document were shared with Councillors.
174.19 Proposal to appoint Internal Auditor for 2020 – it was agreed that Jacqui Wilson of Canalbs should be appointed to carry out the annual internal audit.
175.19 Review Asset Register in preparation for end of year audit – Clerk will email the existing list to Councillors – otherwise DEFERRED
176.19 Risk Assessment report – Cllr Pudney – DEFERRED
177.19 Preparation for the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council – those present agreed that it may not be possible to hold an Annual Parish Meeting. Clerk will update Councillors as developments/information are available. – DEFERRED
178.19 Correspondence received since 18th February 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above). Correspondence that was available to view at the meeting, including the following:
1) Neighbourhood watch and other correspondence regarding Covid 19 outbreak
2) Calor Gas Rural Community Fund – deadline 9/4/2020
3) Keep Britain Tidy – Do It for your Dog
179.19 Items for decisions at next meeting:
Recreation Ground – possible purchase of a ride on mower
Details of successful LHI bid for 2020-2021
Proposal for submission for LHI bid for 2021-2022
Further village flyer required or “Gidding News”
See items marked DEFERRED above
Prepare for Election or Co-option of Parish Councillor
175.19 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 21st April 2020, (unless Government, NHS or NALC advise that meetings should not be held)
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding
Meeting closed at 8.57PM
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