Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 19th January 2021
Present: Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney and the Clerk
147.20 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present at the meeting. Cllr Dear has resigned from the Parish Council as she is soon to move out of the village, Cllr Hodson wished to express his thanks to her for all that she has done for the village and villagers, both prior to and during her time as a Councillor – Clerk will send her a letter of thanks.
148.20 Apologies were received from:
County Councillor Gardener – at another meeting, plans to join later
District Councillor Alban – at other meetings
149.20 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
150.20 No members of Public & Press were present.
151.20 Minutes of the meeting held on 15th December 2020 were confirmed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Pudney
152.20 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item –
there were none.
Cllr Hill – has heard nothing further on works related to the LHI bid
Cllr Hodson – allotments were under water/extremely wet.
Asked that “Roles and Responsibilities” be added to the next agenda
Cllr Pudney – whilst the village itself suffered no flooding incidents during recent heavy rainfall, he had found most roads leading to the village were impassable or heavily flooded and this was a matter of concern for access to the village. Clerk advised that District Councillor Alban was compiling details of the recent flooding incidents and there was to be a meeting with District Councillor Simon Bywater and Sawtry Parish Councillors to collate information, discuss options and actions.
There were no further Councillor reports.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements
b) to note the Budget control statement and the cash flow forecast – Cllr Hodson advised that the grass cutting expenditure was much less than anticipated, the contract is due for renewal and this will be discussed at the next meeting.
c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:
Who | What for | Amount | VAT | Authorised | Authorised | |
50 | J R Trolove | Wages for November – 27 hours | £xxx | NONE | JRT | PH |
VH | Fenland Fire Appliance LLP | Annual inspection | 118.02 | N/A | JRT | PH |
Payments were agreed by Cllr Hill and seconded by Cllr Pudney.
d) to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 31st December ( 23 hours)
155.20 Planning matters:
a)Ref: 20/00243/ENTRÉE 65 Main Street – removal of hedgerow (Andrea Dollard, Enforcement Officer at HuntsDC) – nothing further heard
b)Report no 34428 (Zaria Bettles) Blocked public footpath (No 6) between Chapel End and Mill Road reported online – Parish Clerk has given details of field owners to Footpath Officer to enable her to pursue this matter. Clerk will contact Zaria Bettles for an update ready for February meeting.
c) 2 Gains Lane – aerial removed, conservatory still in situ
d) land adjacent to 21 Mill Road – Andrea Dollard, to follow up with Hunts DC colleague – nothing further heard from HuntsDC, Clerk will request an update.
e) Neighbourhood Plan – a letter of “approval” has been received from HuntsDC, which enables the process to commence. Clerk advised that the next step was to seek volunteers to form a research group. Cllr Maciag recommended that this be delayed until after lockdown and better weather, to allow for volunteers to meet together.
f) Cllr Macaig has completed the planning application form in respect of the MUGA for the Recreation Ground, a couple of queries required clarification. Cllr Pudney suggested that, if the storage container were moved to the other side of the toilet unit, this would enable the MUGA to be sited closer to the hedgerow. Cllr Hodson confirmed that the container could be easily moved to enable this and Cllr Maciag will rework the site plan and share with Councillors before submission to HuntsDC.
156.20 Recreation Ground – Wicksteed are still to carry out the annual inspection of play equipment – weather conditions/lockdown may have caused a delay
157.20 Bins – litter and dog waste bins/bag dispensers
With Councillor Dear leaving the village, one of her roles was to empty and maintain all bins within the parish, this was discussed and the following decisions made:
The dog waste bin at Little Gidding will be removed within the next couple of days (Clerk had asked for a volunteer amongst Little Gidding residents but, as they are not permitted to keep dogs, therefore no volunteer was found).
The litter bin opposite the shop is constantly full, mainly alcohol bottles, and is heavy and cumbersome – this will be removed as soon as possible.
Dog waste bins at the end of The Jitty between Main Street and Gains Lane, the Jubilee Wood, and Chapel End Pond – notices will be attached, seeking volunteers to take on responsibility of each bin, 10 days given for volunteers to contact Parish Clerk, after that date bins will be removed. Situation will be monitored and reported back at February meeting.
Clerk will request a further waste bin from HuntsDC to be sited close to the shop (there is already one bin opposite the Fox and Hounds PH, any waste can be deposited in this bin, and it is regularly emptied by HuntsDC)
Cllr Hodson asked that parishioners are encouraged to continue reporting fly tipping incidents to HuntsDC.
158.20 Gidding News – an issue will be compiled, ready for the February meeting, particularly to promote completion of Census forms, share details about the proposed MUGA, CARESCO activities that may benefit residents. Cllr Hill offered to compile the final copy and Clerk will forward content to him.
159.20 Parish Pond opposite Recreation Field. Possibility of creating bio diversity habitat and applicable grant application –Lucy Jenkins from FWAG had visited the site at the end of December, her response is awaited.
160.20 Correspondence received since 15th December 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above). Due to COVID 19 restrictions emails have been shared almost immediately.
Post Office Van – village visiting times (to include this in the Gidding News)
Cambs County Council – flood risk reporting flowchart
161.20 Items for decisions at next meeting:
Roles and responsibilities for Parish Councillors
Grass cutting contract
Bins – update on volunteers and/or removal of bins
Annual parish meeting – start preparation
162.20 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 16th February 2021,
starting at 1930 hours ONLINE via ZOOM
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