Minutes of the meeting held at Great Gidding Village Hall on Tuesday 21st September 2021
Present: Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Pudney and Bolton and the Clerk. 1 member of the public in attendance (SB)
076.21 Cllr Hodson, Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting.
077.21 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Macaig – work commitment
Cllr Cotton – family commitment
County Councillor Gardener
District Councillor Alban – at other meetings
078.21 There were no Disclosable Interests declared
079.21 No members of the Press were present. The member of the Public had sent details of a Speed Watch Camera prior to the meeting. This device, in addition to the Speed Awareness Sign, is intended to reduce still further those drivers exceeding the speed limit through the village as it “identifies the highest, persistent and illegal speeding vehicles”, with the intention of the details being forwarded to the Police for further action.
Cllr Hill outlined the measures that have been installed recently, including the Speed Awareness Sign, and those that have been agreed by CambsCC Highways Department for implementation in the near future on other roads in the Parish. He had forwarded the details of the Speed Watch Camera to Highways Department for advice. Highways Dept response -“No. It is an illegal form of data capture that would more than likely be in breach of GDPR. We wouldn’t consider the installation of any such device unless it was related to enforcement, and in particular on behalf of enforcement agencies who have the legal power to hold, process, and use this data as part of their role.”
nor do they permit signs being attached to existing posts or street furniture on Highways Dept land.
Cllr Hodson suggested that a community group, independent of the Parish Council, be formed to raise funds to purchase the required equipment and install such a system.
Cllr Hill advised that any unit and associated signage would have to be installed on private land. Data gathered from the Speed Awareness Sign, which has only been in situ for 2 months, is encouraging as the majority of drivers do abide by the speed limit, the Parish Council will continue to gather data and, should it show that there is a problem, may consider referring to the Police for further action.
080.21 The Minutes of the meeting held on 16th August 2021 were confirmed as a true and correct record. Proposed by Cllr Pudney and seconded by Cllr Hill.
081.21 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.
Cllr Hodson advised that the bin, recently installed on the crossroads opposite the shop, is being emptied regularly.
082.21 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:
Clerk advised that renewal details of the Allotment Insurance Policy has been received and will require payment prior to the next meeting (now that Parish Council has taken on the management of the Allotments). Cllr Hodson declared an interest at this point but he had read the terms and conditions of the current policy and there was no provision for poultry (3 x allotment holders have poultry) – Clerk will check out if an additional clause can be added and a price.
Clerk has completed online reports to Highways Dept at CambsCC for damage to the road surface in Back Lane and overhanging/dropping vegetation in The Jitty between Gaines Lane and Main Street.
Cllr Pudney mentioned a recent communication had been distributed throughout the Parish for a website linking neighbours/trades etc – this is a countrywide scheme/website and is not linked to the Parish Council.
a) Barclays Bank statements + Mandate alteration + changes to terms and conditions of service from Barclays – copies had been forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting.
b) Cashflow spreadsheet and Budget Forecast had been prepared by Cllr Hodson and shared prior to the meeting.
Who | What for | TOTAL | VAT | Authorised | Authorised | |
Bradgate Fencing (No ) | Grass Cutting (invoice awaited) | |||||
J R Trolove | Wages for July (34) | Xxx | NONE | JRT |
The payment was authorised (Bradgate invoice still not available for the meeting)
d) Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 31st August ( 27 hours) were approved by all present
084.21 Planning Applications and Planning matters:
No Planning applications have been received as at 15/9/2021
085.21 Recreation Field Update:
a) MUGA – Cllr Macaig was not able to attend the meeting but had advised that there has been no further correspondence with Huntingdonshire District Council regarding the Planning Application.
b) The insurers AVIVA have made a payment in respect of the insurance claim for a like for like replacement spring toy. Clerk will instruct Online Playgrounds to carry out the work.
c) bench repair – replacement slats. Clerk will ask Cllr Macaig to confirm that he has the wood ready to repair the bench.
086.21 Local Highways Improvement grant 2022-23 – review of submission
Review of data from Speed awareness sign – the most recent download of information, with the sign taking readings from traffic travelling out towards Glatton, had been shared prior to the meeting. Results were encouraging as 82% of traffic had been within the speed limit.
Cllr Hill has prepared the application form and associated documents for the 2022-23 Local Highways Improvement bid – the junction to Little Gidding being the focus for this project. The Parish Council will offer £1000 towards the cost of this project.
Cllr Hodson proposed adding a post to enable the speed awareness sign to be located at this junction on occasions, which was met with approval. Cllr Hill will update the application before submitting to CambsCC.
087.21 Training opportunities for Parish Councillors and Clerk – dates were shared and Clerk encouraged Councillors to book their training.
Defibrillator training had been offered to parishioners via the most recent Gidding News – 6 people had expressed an interest and Cllr Pudney will deliver the training.
088.21 Noticeboards (or other method) for Parish Council use – how to share information about Parish/District/County/Government support/groups/information.
- Cllr Hodson had considered the observation that the existing Parish Council notices on the board at the Village Hall were difficult to access for disabled/less able people and will look at alternative sites for this board.
- Information sharing – Clerk will contact website hosts to enquire if there is a way to set up a Noticeboard/Information page for links that may be useful to residents, with a message encouraging friends and neighbours to share details with non-internet users, or contact the Clerk. Once set up this will be mentioned on the next issue of Gidding News so that all parishioners are aware.
089.21 Queens Jubilee 2022 – on the recent Gidding News, Parishioners were asked to submit ideas of how to mark or celebrate this event and that some funding is available. Clerk requested Councillors to consider areas of Parish owned land where a tree(s) might be planted. A deadline of 31st December had been proposed to enable funding/consultation/ideas to be put in place.
090.21 Correspondence received since 16 August 2021 (other than that discussed in agenda items above). The following items have been shared with Councillors prior to the meeting:
a) Email dated 17/8/2021 from NALC – Level up the environment through biodiversity
b) email dated 17/8/2021 from Neighbourhood Watch – Neighbourhood Watch Impact Report 2020/21
c) email dated 18/8/2021 from NALC (and other dates) – Making Rural Housing more affordable
d) email dated 23/8/2021 from NALC – Future Communities
e) email dated 23/8/2021 from CambsACRE – introducing How Are You (HAY)
f) email dated 25/8/2021 from Citizens Advice Rural Cambs – Announcing the launch of updated website
g) email dated 26/8/2021 from Shona Barton at CambsCC – information about how to close roads for events
h) email dated 27/8/2021 from Cambs & Pboro Combined Authority – newsletter issue 5
i) email dated 2/9/2021 from traffic technology.co.uk – re. Speedwatch device – this was mentioned during the discussion 079.21, a copy was supplied to member of the Public as an alternative provider of a similar/same type of unit.
j) Cambs ACRE AGM – 29th September 2021 – Clerk will attend this online event.
091.21 Items for decisions at next meeting:
Prepare for Co-option of Parish Councillor
Climate Change – how this Parish is addressing and considering the issues
092.21 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th October 2021
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding
Meeting closed at 20.35.
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