Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st February
Present: Councillors Hargrave, Moody, Hodson, Maciag, D’Altilia and Bolton, and the Clerk.
District Councillor Alban joined via ZOOM
190.22 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
191.22 To receive apologies and reasons for absence:
County Councillor Gardener – at another meeting
192.22 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
Cllrs Hodson for School and Planning application
193.22 No members of the Public or Press were present at the meeting.
194.22 Minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2023 were confirmed as a correct record by Councillor Maciag, seconded by Cllr Moody
Also minutes of the meetings held on 3rd February and the Extraordinary meeting held on 9th February were confirmed by Cllr Moody and Cllr Hargrave
195.22 There were no matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.
196.22 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:
District Councillor Alban advised he had responded to the consultation regarding to the future of the school, with particular concern on the impact on the community and village assets. He felt that Gidding School was attractive to parents as it was a small school and particularly for those children with special needs. There would be a knock on effect to neighbouring schools, he gave Stilton as an example where housing development in the village will bring a considerable number of children into that school and capacity may be needed elsewhere in local schools.
Following the joint parishes meeting he has held a meeting with the Police to raise issues of fly tipping, speeding etc in the west and north Hunts area.
District Council meet on 22nd February to set the precept for the coming year.
Joint Neighbourhood Plan consultation – he has written in support of our local plan and offers any assistance that he can give.
Councillor Alban left our meeting to attend another meeting.
There were no further reports from Councillors.
Clerk had conversed with Councillor Pudney who was no longer living in the village therefore there is now a vacancy on the Parish Council. Co option process will commence.
Vice Chairman role is now vacant, Cllr Maciag indicated that he would be willing to take on the position, no other Councillor wished to take on the role – Cllr Hodson proposed Cllr Maciag and this was seconded by Cllr Hargrave.
Recommendations for speaker or activity for Annual Parish Meeting in April – Cllr Moody suggested Police regarding rural area crime – Clerk will make enquiries.
a) Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account were shared prior to the meeting and Cllr Hodson had shared his balance sheet too
b) PAYMENTS – the following online payments were approved:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised | |
J R Trolove | Wages for December (29.5 hours | Xxx | NIL | JRT | ||
Firetext | Messaging Service | 14.40 | 2.40 | JRT | ||
*** It was agreed by all to continue with Firetext for a little longer. Residents would be reminded of the sign up details on the next Gidding News.
- Clerk’s working hours for December, a total of 35, were approved
198.22 PLANNING applications and other planning matters:
A planning application for 14 Main Street had been received the morning of the meeting:
Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and erection of replacement extension on similar footprint (exempt, permitted development) and front porch extension
Site Address: 14 Main Street Great Gidding Huntingdon
Reference: 23/00186/HHFUL
Approval was recommended on the grounds that it met various conditions of LP11
199.22 Training – none required at present.
200.22 The minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting, held on 9th February, will be forwarded to the Education Department as requested to form part of the agenda for the next Children and Young People Services meeting to be held on 8th March (the Parish Council’s formal response to the consultation had been sent to the Education Department on 12th February). Once the agenda for that meeting is published, Clerk will forward to Parish Councillors.
Cllr Hodson advised that approx 10 children relocated to other local schools at half term, with others moving on at the Easter break.
Mr Nott, agent for Milton Estates, has offered to meet with Parish Councillors to discuss the relationship between the Estate and village – Clerk will invite him to attend the March meeting.
There followed discussion about the School site – Clerk will write to the Education Department confirming that the Parish Council ask to be involved in any discussion regarding the site.
201.22 Neighbourhood Plan group met on 7th February, the questionnaire is being put together.
A budget spreadsheet was shared and funding, a total of £9715, will be requested from HuntsDC, for the year 2023/24 – this fund will be held by Great & Little Gidding Parish Council for the purpose of carrying out the Neighbourhood Plan process (a separate bank account will not be required).
Cllr Hodson proposed acceptance of this funding request, seconded by Cllr Moody.
202.22 Recreation Ground – nothing to report.
203.22 Communication with Parishioners:
Spring 2023 Gidding News – the draft shared at the previous meeting needed a re-write due to the Schoolissue. Clerk will await the outcome of the next School meeting (8th March – Children and Young Peoples Committee) and then share the revised and updated version, with a view to it going to printers in mid-March.
“What goes on in Great & Little Gidding parish” –Cllr D’Altillia shared a draft copy at the meeting, which met with universal approval. Further details to be added, with the intention that it be available for the Coronation weekend (copy to each household in the Parish).
204.22 Cllr Hargrave shared an outline of potential events for the weekend of the Coronation of King Charles III. These events will be open to all, suitable for all ages, and hopefully include Church and Pub based activities if they wish to be involved. After discussion of how/when/where, the possibility of Section 137 funding for some aspects was considered – a budget will be drawn up for the March meeting.
Details of the activities will be included on the Gidding News and village website.
205.22 Correspondence received since 17th January 2023:
a) NALC newsletters – dated 18/1, 25/1,7/2, 14/2 NALC events, 19/1 International Womens Day on 8th March,1 and 8/2 newsletter, 2/2+16/2 Standards Matter event, 3/2 and 10/2 Bulletin, 15/2 newsletter,
b) Neighbourhood Alert/ECops etc – 23/1 Neighbourhood Policing, 25/1 County lines, 30/1 20 years of eCops, 31/1 and 6/6, 14/2 latest from the Courts, 31/1 Neighbourhood Policing, 2.2 various webinars to attend, , 2/2 catalytic convertor thefts, 6/2 newsletter, 13/2 Police and Crime Commissioner letter, 13/2 Romance scams, c) 21/1 District Councillor Tim Alban – Police issues in the area – see 196.22 |
d) CAPALC email dated 18/1 monthly bulletin, 25/1 Alert re. ParishUK website, 25/1 Coronation preparations,
e) Cambs CC email, 30/1 Cambridgeshire Matters, 2/2 nominations to attend Buckingham Palace Garden party, 3/2 Traffic Management report for January, 8/2 visit waste recycling facility, 9/2 NHS “Feel Brighter” – older persons/lonlinesss/low mood,
f) Hunts DC email – 23/1 press release re funding for CARESCO, 25/1 Warm Spaces grants, 23/1 Polling Station Questionnaire for future elections,*** ½ Statement of Community Involvement consultation available 1 Feb to 15 March 2023, 2/2 letter from Secretary of State re. Coronation, funding available, 17/2 BBC Make a Difference Award Nominations, 17/2 Benches installed at Hinchingbrooke Park
g) Economic Development Huntingdonshire DC invest@huntingdonshire.gov.uk – weekly Business News – 19/1, 26/1, 2/2, 9/2, 16/2
h) Cambs Acre – 14/3 ZOOM meeting – healthier parks/planet/people event, 17/2 Cambs Home Energy Support Scheme – fuel poverty includes HuntsDC district area
i) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough – 19/1 Local Transport & Connectivity Plan, 31/1 update, Maths roadshow – various locations/dates
j) Parish Online newsletter dated 1 Feb – mapping
k) sports and play consulting co.uk – email dated 7/2 regarding facilities
l) email dated 7/2 – speed awareness wheelie bin stickers
m) email dated 15.2 Cambs Social Enterprise – resilience, support community
*** SEE 205.22 (f) it was agreed that, due to the rising cost of electricity, the charge for use of the Village Hall as a Polling Station would be increased to £225
206.22 Items for next meeting:
Future of the School – any information available
Coronation – events planned, general update
Neighbourhood plan – events planned and update
Co-option of Parish Councillor
Mr Nott of Milton Estates and Neighbourhood Plan team invited to attend
207.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 21st March 2023
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding.
Meeting closed at 21.30
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