MINUTES of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
which took place on Tuesday 16th May 2023 in Great Gidding Village Hall, immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting and prior to the Parish Council meeting
- Paul Hodson was elected as Parish Council Chairman – Proposed by Councillor Bolton and seconded by Councillor Hargrave
- Jan Maciag was elected as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council – Proposed by Councillor Bolton and seconded by Councillor Hargrave.
- Acceptance of Office forms were completed by Councillors Hodson and Maciag. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests forms will be emailed to Councillors for completion and return at the June Meeting.
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 16th May
Present: Councillors Hodson, Hargrave, Moody, Maciag and Bolton, District Councillor Gardener and the Clerk. 4 members of the public were present.
019.23 Councillor Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
020.23 Apologies were received from:
County Councillor Gardener – at other meetings.
Councillor D’Altilia – work commitments
021.23 Declaration of Disclosable Interests from Councillor Maciag in respect of item 027.23
022.23 Members of the public were not in attendance to address the meeting.
023.23 Minutes of the meeting held on 18th April 2023 were confirmed as a correct record by Councillors Hodson and Maciag.
024.23 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.
Clerk – precept payment has been received.
65 Main Street – a report had been registered with Huntingdonshire District Council’s Conservation Department regarding the concerns about the size of window and the potential damage to the wall. An Enforcement Officer has spoken with the builder and steps will be taken to alter the window size and measures taken to protect the wall. LP, member of the public, reminded that the hedge is still to be replanted too. Clerk will ask for an update from the Enforcement Officer and re-iterate the concerns regarding this development.
025.23 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:
District Councillor Alban advised that meetings would be taking place in respect of the Huntingdonshire District Council Local Plan to 2036. Clerk had shared the meeting details with Parish Councillors. PH, member of the public and representing the Neighbourhood Plan group enquired if he could attend as it appeared these meetings were solely for Councillors – Clerk will make enquiries.
The Newlands Development at Junction 17 of the A1M has been withdrawn but is likely to be re- presented at some stage.
There is a possibility of a separate charge for the green waste bin (in the region of £50), the District Council hopes this will encourage residents to waste less or compost more – reservations were expressed.
Alternative Land Management information has been shared by the District Council both to Parish Councils, and to residents via social media.
The next Joint Parish Council meeting (date to be determined) – it is hoped to have a representative from the Police in attendance.
District Councillor Alban left the meeting to attend other Parish Council meetings.
Clerk – a request has been received from an allotment holder to plant wild flowers on her allotment – Cllr Hodson suggested that she be asked to plant in the boundary of the orchard, rather than the allotment
Replacement safety mirror – Village Hall or Parish Council to pay?
a) to note Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account.
b) PAYMENTS – all payments approved but, at the time of the meeting,*** details of the Clerk’s wages had not been received. Also the printers for the Neighbourhood Plan survey had generously agreed to delay their invoice and it is hoped that the grant will be determined in the near future.***
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised | |
J R Trolove *** see note | Wages for March ( 36 hours ) | Xxx | NIL | JRT | ||
Firetext (April) | Messaging Service | 14.40 | 2.40 | JRT | ||
BHIB Insurance | Parish Council insurance renewal | £560.00 | NIL | JRT | ||
Viking | cleaning equipment for Help Out Day (S137) | 36.79 | 6.13 | JRT | ||
Inkwell Printers | For Information Booklet (S137) | 93.00 | ||||
Printers of Neighbourhood Plan *** see note | Printing of Neighbourhood Plan | See 030.23 | ||||
LGS Services | Payroll services | 79.20 | 13.20 | |||
A Hargrave | (S137) food for Coronation Concert and cava for toast | 139.33 | NIL | |||
The following were PAID outside of the meeting | ||||||
A Underwood | (S 137) Food for Coronation Concert event | 226.94 | NIL | |||
A V Expert | (S137) Balance for hire of TV & sound equip | 365.40 | ||||
- Clerk’s working hours for April – were approved as a total of 32.5
- AGAR – copies of all documents had been shared with Councillors prior to the meeting. There were no questions, therefore these were approved and signed.
027.23 PLANNING applications and other planning matters:
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to residential. The proposed development includes the retention, conversion and extension of the existing Grain Drier buildings for a single residential unit.
Site Address: Land Between 65 And 67 Main Street Great Gidding
Closing date for response 21st May 2023
Reference: 23/00599/FUL
Cllr Maciag, as architect for the project, explained the changes that had been made mainly in respect of the extension to the existing buildings. He confirmed that hedgerow and tree planting is part of the proposed application.
APPROVED and comments made regarding the original application will be repeated.
028.23 20MPH scheme for Little Gidding – Cllr Bolton had submitted the application on behalf of the Parish Council, further information from CambsCC is awaited.
029.23 Great Gidding CofE (VC) Controlled School
Formal closure procedure ended 25th April 2023, when a CambsCC meeting was held and the decision taken to close the school by a vote of 9 to 6. Clerk has requested a formal statement or letter from CambsCC.
Cllr Moody advised that we should continue to stress to the County Council that the Parish Council wishes to be involved in the future of the school site. Cllr Hodson advised that, in addition to retention of the playground as a village asset, the school (brick) building has potential as a community facility too, and interest in this building has been verbally advised to Milton Estates, via their Agent.
030.23 GWH Neighbourhood Plan update –
Questionnaires have been distributed to households and businesses in the 5 villages in late April. Responses are being received by the Neighbourhood Plan group, submitted both online and paper copies.
Grant application for funding of the project – awaited.
First draft of the report to be compiled.
031.23 Recreation Ground – to be discussed in Village Hall & Recreation Ground meeting.
032.23 Councillor Training sessions with CAPALC
Online via ZOOM Saturday 3rd June – 9AM to 3.30PM
Over 3 Wednesday evenings – 7/14/21 June – 7 – 9PM
Saturday 16th September – 9AM to 3.30PM
In Person The Christie Hall, Elton Road, Wansford, PE8 6JS on
Saturday 17th June – 9AM til 3.30PM
The Glebe, 4 High Street, Sutton, Ely CB6 2RB
Saturday 15th July – 9AM til 3.30PM
Millennium Sports Facility, The Trundle, Somersham, PE28 3JS
Saturday 30th September – 9AM til 3.30PM
Councillor Bolton advised he will attend the September online training session. |
033.23 Review of Coronation Weekend events
There have been many positive comments and emails, plus one of “constructive comment”, received in respect of the Information Booklet and for the events held – Cllr Hargrave had compiled an analysis of the weekend’s events.
Cllr Hodson expressed thanks to all those people involved.
034.23 Correspondence received since 18th April 2023:
a) NALC newsletters – dated 19/4, 21/4, 28/4 + 5/5 Chief Executives Bulletin, 25/4 + 2/5 + 9/5 NALC events, 26/4 + 3/5 + 10/5 newsletter
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters, 26/4 Event for Cambs Social Enterprises working in wellbeing to be held on 25th May, 27/4 Highways Surface treatments between 1 June 2023 AND 30 November 2024 – Includes B660 through Great Gidding and Glatton, and other local parishes (signage will forewarn of dates of closure), 27/4 Cambridgeshire Matters magazine, 13/5 CANFFUND is a Cambridgeshire local government led project funded by Innovate UK, a UK government funding body. The CANFFUND Team is collaboration of local government and businesses seeking to understand and unlock new funding approaches to deliver net zero across Cambridgeshire – ONLINE Meeting on 8 June 3 – 5 PM,
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – 18/4 + 10/5 Energy Relief support grant, 26/4 This is a summary of the Issues Engagement Paper which highlights known issues in the district and asks for your opinions on topics including responding to the climate crisis, enhancing the natural environment, supporting places, meeting housing needs for all, promoting a prosperous economy, developing high quality sustainable communities with supporting infrastructure, and distributing new growth. The consultation will finish on 5 July 2023 at 23:59 (and various other items connected with this Paper – all received on 26 April), 26/4 Press release – HDC SUPPORTS HUNTINGDONSHIRE COMMUNITY GROUP TO INTRODUCE AFTER SCHOOL CLUB AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES, 27/4 and 15/5 Alternative Land Use https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/environmental-issues/biodiversity-for-all/alternative-land-management/, 28/4 Powerpoint slided on Town and Parish involvement – includes Planning, planning enforcement and other planning issues , 28/4 You are invited to attend a presentation to explain more about the Local Plan Update and the Issues Engagement – this will also provide an opportunity for you to ask questions to help inform your Council’s response.
There will be two identical presentations, which will be held in person in the Civic Suite at Pathfinder House, Huntingdon. There will also be an option to join via Zoom if you would prefer.
The sessions will be on:
- Wednesday, 24th May, starting at 19:00, and
- Monday, 5th June, starting at 19:00
- It is anticipated they will run for 1 ½ hours.
d) CAPALC – 26/4 April Newsletter, 28/4 Coronation VAT guidance
e) Development Huntingdonshire DC invest@huntingdonshire.gov.uk – weekly Business News – 20/4, 27/4 + 4/5 + 11/5
f) Cambs Acre –
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough –
h) 3/5 Parish Online newsletter
i) Neighbourhood Alert/ECOPS etc – 18/4, 24/4 + 2/5 News from the Courts email, 20/4 tidy gardens prevent burglary, 3/5 newsletter, 4/5 Protect your keyless car, 11/5 Keep your tools safe and 12/5 Accelerated Detective pathway, 15/5 and others about catalytic convertors
j) North Northamptonshire Planning – 24/4 Land at Kingswood, Corby
k) 25/4 Volunteers needed at Hinchingbrooke Hospital – link
l) 4/5 County Councillor Ian Gardener – TING bus Roadshow visits Great Gidding on 2 June at 2.15PM
035.22 Items for next meeting:
Internal Auditors report
036.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 20th June 2023
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
Meeting closed at 20.12
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