Present: Councillors Hodson, Bolton, Moody, Hargrave, County Councillor Gardener and the Clerk.
159.23 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
160.23 Apologies and reasons for absence:
District Councillor Tim Alban – at other meetings
Councillor Maciag – work commitment
Councillor D’Altilia – work commitment
161.23 There were no member’s declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
162.23 No members of the Press or Public were present
163.23 Minutes of the meeting held on 16th January 2024 were confirmed as a correct record, proposed by Councillor Bolton and seconded by Councillor Hargrave
164.23 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk
District Councillor Alban – combined Parish Meeting on 20th March at Norman Cross
County Councillor Gardener :
The future of Kimbolton Fire Station will be discussed at a meeting on Tuesday 19th March at Kimbolton, to which Councillors are encouraged to attend.
Cambridgeshire County Show is back, taking place on 1 June 2024, with a new venue of Abbots Ripton Estate.
County Council element of Council Tax will rise 4.99%
Weeding of highways is to be re-instated as it was found that more damage was caused by not weeding, gullies blocked, safety of footpath users.
20MPH scheme applications should be submitted by Friday 15th March
The Combined Authorities Mayoral Tax is to increase – one of the measures is to improve local bus services, including the Ting bus
Crime and Police Commissioner will increase Council Tax by £12.96
Fire Authority will increase their element of the Council Tax by 3%
Huntingdonshire District Council meet on 21st February to confirm their Council Tax increase.
Councillor Gardener left the meeting.
Councillor Hodson advised that he will not continue as Chairman, with effect from the 2024 Annual Parish Council Meeting.
There were no further reports from Councillors, or the Clerk.
a) Barclays Bank statement had been forwarded to Councillors prior to the meeting.
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 2/2/2024 £2905.06 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 2/2/2024 £26,189.05 (1.85% interest applicable)
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 2/2/2023 – £247.91
b) PAYMENTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised | |
J R Trolove | Wages for December (31.5 hours) | Xxx | NIL | |||
JRB Enterprises | 3 x packs of dog waste bags | 110.52 | 18.42 | |||
Refund to Julie Trolove | Disposable gloves for dog waste bin+other supplies | 16.27 | NONE | |||
SLCC | Annual Subscription Due 1/4/2024 |
Councillor Hodson had provided his monthly Cashflow forecast and Budget update. He had included Neighbourhood Plan budget (in place of Contingency), and updated Village Maintenance with the purchase of the second speed awareness camera.
- Clerk’s working hours for January were approved as a total of 31.
166.23 PLANNING applications and other planning matters:
- School playground area/School House – Mark Freer at CambsCC is overseeing this site and was asked for an update on the timeframe and process – his response is awaited.
b)Community Asset meeting – held on 6th February, all sites within the Parish were considered and discussed.
c)Anaerobic Digester – nothing further heard on 9/2/2024. There is currently a new building appearing at Rectory Farm, a “hotel” or accommodation block for seasonal workers – North Northants Highways raised concerns prior to planning approval, considerable traffic being generated along Hemington Lodge Road, rather than Gypsy Lane (as outlined in the application) – Application Number: NE/23/01036/PDU.
Clerk will enquire, via HuntsDC, if we can apply for CIL in respect of this development.
167.23 Roads, footpaths and bridleways:
a) LHI bid for 20MPH scheme for Church Lane, Little Gidding has been submitted by Councillor Bolton today. The Clerk will forward this to Parish Councillors and County Councillor Gardener.
b) speed camera installed – has been “noticed” by many
c) Flytip on the Bullock Road reported on 2/2/2024
168.23 Village Maintenance
- Benches – refurbishment/repaint or install replacement(s) – clerk will seek quotes for refurbishment to enable comparison of prices with replacement benches. Councillor Moody enquired about the grass area opposite the shop (WInwick Road/Luddington Road) and whether a bench might be sited there in the future – this is County Council owned land, this area is included in their grass cutting programme, although they are only obliged to cut once a year, therefore the Parish Council include this area in their grass cutting contract to keep the area looking tidy.
- Volunteer for emptying of dog waste bin (Chapel End) has changed – supplies purchased (see payments above). Clerk has emailed thanks to those involved.
- Litter Pick and tidy up tasks around the Parish – due to the very wet ground conditions, and grass already growing well, this will not take place.
(There is a day of clearing and tidying planned for Saturday 24th February in Jubilee Wood starting at 9.30AM – also cancelled due to wet ground conditions).
169.23 Correspondence received since 19th January 2024:
a) NALC newsletters –NALC events list, Legal update, Consultation to update the Model Financial Regulations, Legal Update (including fire safety for non-domestic buildings)
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –
- Cambridgeshire Matters monthly newsletter
- Traffic Management Centre – reports for incidents in February
- Highways report in respect of damaged sign on Hemington Lodge Road
- Understanding children who self harm
- Micro Asphalt road treatments – NONE locally
- Advert for Youth Work role in St Neots
- Hi-VIS event for Huntingdonshire Blind, 10am -12 noon on Friday 14th June at Huntingdon Library.
- A proposed change to the Highways Operational Standards relating to weed control.
- Public Health Campaign to Raise Awareness of cases of Measles
- Invitation to ‘Relationships for mental wellbeing’ at a symposium event on 29th February.
- Grant fund offering to enrich the lifelong learning and skills offer for adults who are aged 19+ and residents of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- Cambridge Carbon Footprint who offer community events/activities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
- Flood Resilience Day, at the Wisbech Library, Ely Place, Wisbech, PE13 1EU on Saturday 24th February from 10am to 1pm
- Road surface dressing program – nearest to us is Upton
c) Huntingdonshire District Council –
- invitation to Waste Minimisation event – Weds 28th Feb at Pathfinder House – vermicomposting systems
- Shop front grant scheme for St Neots and Ramsey
- report on One Leisure Parish Sports Summer Programme
- Community Tree Planting Day at Sapley Playing Field – 15th February
- Festival of Huntingdonshire – online meeting 19th February 2-3PM (Clerk will attend)
- CAPALC– several emails about the various training courses available, January bulletin forwarded to Councillors prior to meeting, some important changes in fire safety legislation recently following the introduction of the Building Safety Act 2023,
Section 137 funding for 2024/25 is £10.81 per elector
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority –
- Combined Authority Local Transport and Connectivity Plan team
f) Greater Peterborough/Greater Cambridge Partnerships
g) Neighbourhood Alert/ECOPS etc – bus stop posters warning of scams, Sarah’s Law-protecting children, monthly newsletter,
News from the Courts emails,
Thieves target vans
h) Cambridgeshire ACRE – Staying in touch newsletter, Centenary Community Buildings Conference: Celebrating 100 years of village halls invitation to Thursday 21 March 2024, at the Gardiner Memorial Hall, High Street, Burwell, Cambridge, CB25 0HD (must sign up in advance),.
i) Parish Online Newsletter
j) Gigaclear – keeping in touch, no further news.
k) from County Councillor Ian Gardener – invitation to meeting on Tuesday 19th March regarding closure of Kimbolton Fire Station
l) VCSE Data and Insights National Observatory – survey to be completed
m) 5/2 – Email of introduction from PCSO Sargeant Anna Martin, who covers this area – she will be asked to attend the Annual Parish Meeting.
n) Cambs YFC – County Show at Abbots Ripton Estate on Saturday 1st June – poster for printing
o) Portrait of the King available to Town and Parish Councils – FREE – it was decided that this was not required.
170.23 Items for next meeting:
Annual Parish Meeting
171.23 The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on
Tuesday 19th March 2024 at Great Gidding Village Hall, starting at 7.30PM
Meeting closed at 20.50
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