Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17th September 2024
Present: Councillors Maciag, Moody, Hargrave and the Clerk. One member of the public.
085.24 Cllr Maciag as Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting
086.24 The following apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Bolton – holiday
Cllr Hodson – work
Cllr D’Altilia – work
District Councillor Alban – at another meeting
087.24 There were no Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests in respect of items on the Agenda
088.24 Member of the Public (SB) was present for 097.24 – see below
089.24 Minutes of the meeting held on 20th August 2024 were accepted and signed by Cllr Hargrave who was in the Chair for that meeting.
090.24 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:
Clerk reminded that her appraisal was still awaited.
Clerk advised that the refurbishment of benches has still not been undertaken, despite the contractor giving August as a date.
Cllr Hargrave updated on Village Hall matters:
The flat roof over the kitchen requires attention, temporary repairs have been carried out.
Macmillan Coffee Morning has been advertised for 28th September.
Possible events for the future.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account.
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 4/9/2024 £9549.63 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 4/9/2024 £26,483.97 (1.85% interest applicable)
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 4/9/2024 – £250.70
b) PAYMENTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised |
J R Trolove | Wages for July (24 hours) | 317.04 | NIL | JRT | |
Bradgate Grounds Maintenance | Grass cutting for July (Invoice 2184) | 216.00 | 36.00 | JRT | |
Groundworks UK | Refund of unused funding For Neighbourhood Plan | 2217.97 | NIL | JRT | |
Transfer from PC to VH | Rental of Village Hall | 800.00 | NIL | JRT | |
Chris Knott Insurance | Allotment insurance renewal | 92.00 | NIL | JRT |
- to approve Clerk’s working hours for August – total of 27 – Approved.
092.24 PLANNING applications and matters:
No new applications, as at 13th September 2024 – Clerk advised there was an application for tree works (7 trees) at Manor Barn, but Parish Council have not been asked to comment.
School site (at the request of Cllr Maciag) – Cllr Maciag had met with Mr Nott, agent for Milton Estates, CambsCC would appear to have done nothing on site and the portacabins are still in place (partially on Milton property). It was agreed that development of the site is preferable to a derelict site.
Baptist Chapel graveyard and provision of a memorial garden – a last minute notification had been received from Church Growth Trust Ltd regarding setting up a memorial garden into which the majority of the headstones will be moved, with terms for access to this area. Work has already started. Residents have contacted Church Growth Trust with their concerns. One resident contacted the Parish Council regarding large ash trees on the boundary and Clerk recommended resident to contact Hunts DC Tree Officer due to the short time frame.
093.24 Recreation Field (and other sites in the Parish ) tree surgeon had met with Cllr Maciag, his quote is awaited.
Clerk has reminded the contractor that the hedge needs cutting back.
094.24 Village Maintenance – responses to location of additional village noticeboards:
Cllr Bolton advised via email that the shop owners are willing to have a noticeboard sited in their front garden, or make use of the shop window.
Gidding Den, tenants of the adjacent field, would consider a noticeboard being added to the fence. No decision made.
095.24 Allotments – rent renewals had been sent out, some already paid.
HuntsDC had been in contact that morning regarding a delivery of soil improver, Clerk has made arrangements and informed both residents and allotment holders via various methods.
096.24 Request for Section 137 funding in respect of grass cutter – Cllr Hodson had sent in a written request for funding a replacement machine to cut grass around Jubilee Wood. Discussion followed, further information to be gathered and a decision postponed until the October meeting.
097.24 Resident emailed a request for the Parish Council to install ANPR camera(s), as he had seen in Brington. He and Cllr Moody wish to ensure that drivers travel through the village at 30MPH. There followed discussion. Clerk had requested information from Brington and Molesworth’s Clerk, but nothing to date, also provided an update on speed camera readings, also figures from Brington ANPR camera use and further related information. Clerk also advised that as we had been asked to notify an interest in applying for 2025/26 Local Highways Improvement bid, this would be the opportunity to get CambsCC Highways Dept involved and seek advice, guidance and funding of ANPR camera(s). Cllr Moody offered to compile the bid for the LHI scheme.
098.24 Review of Financial Regulations – Clerk has completed the changes and will present at the October meeting for adoption.
099.24 Newsletter – Cllrs had nothing they wished to add to the October issue.
0100.24 Correspondence received since 20th August 2024:
a) NALC newsletters – dated Chief Executives Bulletin NALC events,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters monthly edition, Traffic Management Centre incident report for roads, Local Highways 2025/26 Capital Maintenance projects – nothing for our parish or any local villages is planned, looking for volunteers for the Community Gritting Scheme, expressions of interest requested for the 2025/26 LHI bids –
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – Wild about Huntingdonshire events – 28/29 September at Hinchingbroke, Save the date for Annual Climate Conference – Burgess Hall, St Ives on Weds 6th November, Temporary Traffic Restriction Order for Chapel End in September, information on changes to CIL funding, Waste Minimisation meeting online – September 26th at 4PM
d) CAPALC –newsletter, training dates for September,
f) Cambs Acre – Staying in Touch newsletter, invitation to their AGM on 9th October, from 2PM via ZOOM,
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough/Greater Cambridge Partnership – links to online meetings, invitation to bus franchising consultation meetings (19th September – Huntingdon, 3 October – P’boro). Also Active Travel Hierarchy consultation survey – closing date 30th September
h) Parish Online newsletter – following consultation with the Neighbourhood Plan group, the subscription has not been renewed.
i) District Cllr Alban – District wide Parish Council meeting on 10th October, 7PM start at Holme with manager from HDC Refuse/Operations team in attendance. Clerk and Cllr Hodson will attend.
j) correspondence from a resident who lives near the proposed Leicestershire AD unit site, offering us any assistance ALSO Thriplow & Heathfield asking for information/advice on how to deal with a proposed AD unit in their Parish – Clerk will respond.
k) PKF Littlejohn, external auditors, notification of exemption for this Parish Council.
0101.24 Items for next meeting:
Section 137 funding donation or purchase of grass cutter – decision
Adoption of revised Financial Regulations, as advised by NALC
Items for the November newsletter
Cllr to present wreath at Remembrance Service
Huntingdonshire District Council’s Local Plan – updates
0102.24 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 15th October 2024
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
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