Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 19th November 2024
Present: Councillors Maciag, Moody, Hargrave and the Clerk.
Two members of the public (DD/SK).
0121.24 Councillor Maciag, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting.
0122.24 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
County Cllr Gardener – another meeting
District Cllr Alban – another meeting
Cllr Bolton – holiday
Cllr Hodson – illness
0123.24 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
0124.24 Two members of the public were present to express thanks to the Parish Council for prompt submission of responses to the Local Plan sites on the HuntsDC website, and posted via the village website and noticeboard.
0125.24 Minutes of the meeting held on 15th October 2024 were confirmed as a correct record, proposed by Cllrs Moody and Hargrave
0126.24 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk.
Clerk –
Clerk’s appraisal still outstanding.
Electoral Services Office at Hunts DC advised of the 2 x Parish Councillor vacancies, posted on the VH noticeboard and village website on 8/11/2024.
Weeds in the Parish will be sprayed off again by CambsCC during November.
Cllr Moody is carrying out further research regarding ANPR cameras.
Cllr Maciag advised that the village surveys are now complete and the Neighbourhood Plan is being prepared for resubmission to Hunts DC.
Cllr Hargrave re. Village Hall:
Plans for the Quiz night are going well, the event is fully booked.
Having to pay out in advance – considering a debit card for the future
Sum Up machine has proved a problem and now taking payments via SQUARE.
a) October bank statements from Barclays Bank are attached.
Interest rates decreasing from 1.95% to 1.9% with effect from 19 December.
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 4/11/2024 £2916.33 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 204/11/2024 £26,483.97
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 4/9/2024 – £250.70
b) PAYMENTS – payments were approved by all:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised |
J R Trolove | Wages for September (23.5hours) | Xxx | NIL | JRT | |
Bradgate Grounds Maintenance | Grass cutting for (Invoice 13th cut of the contract – total of 12 | Invoice not received | 36.00 | JRT | |
Wicksteed | Annual inspection | 180.00 | 30.00 | ||
M Allgood | Hedge cutting around Recreation Ground | Invoice awaited |
- Clerk’s working hours for October – approved as a total of 32. Payroll Services had advised that Clerk’s hourly rate had increased in April and pay will be backdated.
- The Budget to 4th October, was made available prior to the meeting, there were no observations or adjustments
0127.24 PLANNING applications and matters:
- Huntingdonshire District Council Local Plan – email receipts received in respect of each of the comments submitted in respect of the Great Gidding sites and the Sustainability exercise. See 0124.24 above, Letter also received from residents regarding the site adjacent to Village Hall – Clerk sent emails to all concerned including comment from Local Plan website about importance of making comments at this stage rather than awaiting submission of a planning application.
- There are no planning applications in the Parish to date (15/11/2024) since the last meeting
- Hemington, Luddington, Thurning Parish Clerk copied us in on a request to Cornerstone regarding the provision of a 5G mast in the vicinity, Galliford Try are no longer involved in the project.
The Clerk for Hemington, Luddington, Thurning assisted our Parish Clerk by requesting an update on the digester unit application – a further extension of time has been agreed for consultation with CambsCC Highways.
0128.24 Recreation Field – perimeter hedge was cut last week, invoice awaited.
Wicksteed have provided their annual inspection report. This was sent to Councillors on 8th November. Cllr Moody recommended that works should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the inspector – see 0129.24 in respect of trades to carry out the work.
0129.24 Village Maintenance – benches – another tradesman contacted – not his area of work. Cllr Maciag will contact a tradesman that he knows of. Clerk will draw up a list of maintenance jobs within the Parish, to enable a quote to be obtained.
Chapel End dyke – requires clearance, adjacent to Milton Estate land, CambsCC Highways and WAVE/Anglian Water have looked at area and indicated that the blocked dyke is the problem – Clerk will contact Milton Estates as riparian owner of the dyke.
Work on the Pound and the Parish Pond will require traffic management, the tree surgeon is obtaining a quote, and an overall quote was received immediately before the meeting – Clerk will forward to Cllrs for consideration.
Email dated 1 November from CambsCC regarding grass verge maintenance – all areas to be identified to continue the service – Clerk will liaise with Cllr Hodson to identify and confirm areas (by 8th December).
Noticeboard – examples and prices shared of 12 and 16 sheet external use board – Clerk requested to purchase a board, this will be sited opposite the Village Hall to enable easier access for all. Cllr Hargrave requested use of the existing board for Village Hall use. Cllr Moody requested Parish Council name to be included on the board.
0130.24 Allotments – hedge between allotments and Jubilee Wood has been cut.
0131.24 To adopt the Financial Regulations as revised by NALC (sent to Parish Councillors on and to accept their recommendations
DECISION – to adopt the Financial Regulations as revised by NALC approved by those present
0132.24 Newsletter – future issues frequency/content/format. Cllr Hargrave is seeking advice with a view to producing a newsletter in December.
0133.24 LHI bid – this Parish Council will not be submitting an application for 2025/26.
Major Capital Highways Investment, invitation from CambsCC to submit details, as follows:
“request is for larger scale capital investment, which may include the following:
- Major resurfacing or reconstruction of a significant length of road or footway/cycleway.
- Installation of a new drainage system or replacement of a failed existing highway drainage system where there is severe flooding on the road.
- Major maintenance of a Public Right of Way which may be unpassable or difficult to use.”
0134.24 Correspondence received since 15th October 2024:
a) NALC newsletters – dated Chief Executives Bulletin NALC events,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters monthly edition, Traffic Management Centre incident report for roads, reminder of application deadline for Local Highways 2025/26 – 10/1/2025, The Library presents – listing of events for Autumn, grass cutting verges and maintenance – feedback required, Highways events – Remembrance Sunday only, details of Pension Credit/Winter Fuel allowance link, details of Christmas Holiday Scheme places for children, Road Safety information for Winter 2024,
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – Town and Parish Council newsletter, press release regarding biodiversity works in Riverside Park, St Neots, and Hill Rise Park, St Ives, Town and Parish Forum notes and documents from the meeting are shared, dates for bin collections over Christmas and New Year holidays, reminder of Garden Waste subscription renewal, CIL funding 1:1 discussion on 19th November, Press release regarding Public Spaces Protection Order for Ramsey
d) CAPALC –newsletter, future training dates, survey on re-use of graves (closed 15th November).
f) Cambs Acre – Staying in Touch newsletter for October. ). Invitation to online meeting regarding community buildings that need help.
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough/Greater Cambridge Partnership – poster received in respect of bus services survey,
i) Police – Teams meeting on Tuesday 3rd December 1900-2000 – Clerk can provide the link.
0135.24 Items for next meeting:
Review of grass cutting contract
0136.24 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 17th December 2024
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
Village Hall payments were approved.
Meeting closed at 20.50
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