Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 21st May 2024
Present: Councillors Moody, Hargrave, Bolton, D’Altillia and Maciag and the Clerk.
Apologies for absence:
District Councillor Alban – at another meeting
Councillor Sanders – work commitments
Councillor Hodson – family commitments
Annual Parish Council meeting:
Chairman – Councillor Maciag proposed as Chairman by Councillors Moody and Bolton. He has signed the Declaration of Office.
Vice Chairman – Councillor Hargrave proposed as Vice Chairman by Councillors Bolton and Moody. She has signed the Declaration of Office.
Councillors Bolton and Hodson have advised they will remain as Councillors. Councillors Moody and D’Altillia will remain as Councillors, but advised that work commitments may impact their attendance at meetings. Clerk will contact Councillor Sanders. No other persons had expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council.
022.24 There were no declarations of interest regarding items on the agenda
023.24 No members of Press or Public in attendance at this meeting
024.24 Minutes of the meeting held on 16th April 2024 were declared as a correct record – proposed by Cllrs Moody and seconded by Cllr Hargrave
025.24 this item not used
026.24 Reports from Councillors and Clerk:
Councillor Hargrave had met with residents who expressed an interest in the Village Hall, a committee has been formed. They will hold monthly meetings, setting short term and long term objectives. A separate email address will be set up for bookings/correspondence.
Councillor Maciag advised that the Neighbourhood Plan Group aim to get the revised plan to HuntsDC in September.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account.
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 3/5/2024 £12614.08 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 4/3/2024 £26,286.99 (1.85% interest applicable)
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 4/3/2023 – £248.84
b) PAYMENTS – the following payments were approved by Cllrs Maciag and D’Altillia, subject to the Clerk checking the cover applicable to CAPALC’s data protection offer:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised | |
J R Trolove | Wages for March (28 hours) | Xxx | NIL | JRT | ||
Bradgate Ground Maintenance – 3 invoices 1966, 1945,1873 | Grass cutting | £216 each =£648 | £108 | |||
CAPALC | Annual subscription | £235.88 (+£50 for data protection) | NIL | |||
Monies received from Hunts District Council | Precept | £11605 | ||||
Village Hall payments for R S Baxter | Electricians temporary work | 210.80 | ||||
3 Shires Electrical | Various electrical works and PAT testing | 465.00 | ||||
A C Clark (invoice no 0713) | Cleaning | 22.50 |
c) Clerk’s working hours for April were approved as a total of 26
d) a first draft of the AGAR was shared at the meeting. Clerk and Cllr Hodson will meet to finalise figures for discussion and presentation at the June Meeting.
028.24 PLANNING applications and matters:
a)Nothing further heard from CambsCC regarding the school playground site, although we did not request a response in respect of any points made.
Single-storey Garage Extension, The Mill, Mill Road, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NT
Response required by 6th June 2024
There were no objections or observations in respect of this application.
c) the application for the mast, antennas and equipment at Longbrook Farm, Thurning has been refused – Clerk from Hemington, Luddington, Thurning Parish Council will keep us updated.
d) the application for the anaerobic digester is marked as “Decided” but no further details are known at present. Clerk is in contact with North Northants Councillor Shacklock and Hemington, Luddington, Thurning Parish Clerk.
e) District Cllr Alban had enquired about the outcomes of the Call for Sites exercise. Hunts DC advise that there is nothing to report at present.
029.24 Recreation Field – it was agreed to instruct Wicksteed, £132 for unaccompanied annual inspection.
030.24 Correspondence received since 16th April 2024:
a) NALC newsletters – dated Chief Executives Bulletin NALC events,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters, Road Safety Education Newsletter,
c) Huntingdonshire District Council –16/4 HDC launches capital grant funding for Rural Businesses, Town & Parish Council April newsletter, grants of up to £2,500 for initiatives that support their communities and the Huntingdonshire Futures Place Strategy, Huntingdonshire District Council has teamed up with Cambridgeshire Police and Cambridgeshire Fire to conduct a trial using hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) fuel, Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) is celebrating the opening of the East Anglia Energy Academy in St Ives, which will bring forward new jobs, skills and investment into the district, powerpoint slides from the Parish Council information session for EV Charge points, District Council launches Online Climate Hub ***the Clerk had passed the information from the previous meeting to Little Gidding Trust as they own the car park at Little Gidding, and were interest in the potential of this scheme
d) CAPALC –newsletter, May training dates, Martyn’s Law – protection of premises from Terorism Act
f) Cambs Acre – Staying in Touch newsletter,
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough – posters encouraging use of concessionary bus passes
h) Parish Online newsletter
i) Neighbourhood Alert/ECOPS etc – News from the Courts email
j) CARESCO offering to visit to explain their services for older residents
035.22 Items for next meeting:
Approval and signing of the AGAR
036.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th June 2024
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
Meeting closed at 21.02
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