Held on Tuesday 15th October 2019 at Great Gidding Village Hall
PRESENT: Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Hebb, Dear, Page, Pudney
82.19 Chairman’s Welcome – Cllr Hill welcomed those present
83.19 To receive apologies and reasons for absence –
County Councillor Gardener – attendance at another meeting
District Councillor Alban – not available
Councillor Valderas – at another event.
84.19 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda –
There were none.
85.19 Public & Press participation session with respect to items on the Agenda –
There were none
86.19 To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2019
Acceptance confirmed by Cllr Pudney and Cllr Page, signed by Cllr Hill
The Action Group (for the proposed application to install mast and base station) have suspended further meetings until there are developments or correspondence regarding this matter. Carolyn Wilson, who was our contact at Harlequin (the company who were acting as agents for the developers) is no longer working for the company, details of her replacement have been supplied.
Gains Lane/Chapel End closed for one day – residents will be informed by letter and road signs in place
To receive reports from Councillors:
Cllr Page advised that the 30MPH sign was obscured by the hedge on the entrance to the village on Mill Road, from the direction of Little Gidding.
Cllr Dear – the gate to the byway (Bullock Road) will remain locked as hare coursers are trying to gain access.
Cllr Pudney – nothing to report
Cllr Hebb – a meeting has been arranged with the Planning Dept of Huntingdonshire District Council to discuss the proposed mast application, also in attendance will be County Cllr Gardener and members of the Action Group.
Drains did not get cleaned out where cars were parked in Main Street – suggests that a letter be sent to residents to enable volunteers to clean the street.
Cllr Hodson – nothing to report
Cllr Hill – had emailed Noel Oliver (replacement for Caroline Wilson at Harlequin) to enquire if there were any updates regarding the proposed mast site – to date no response.
Cllr Hill met with Karen Lunn of Highways Dept. regarding the Local Highways Initiative Bid – she viewed the various sites/aspects of the bid. She will respond to the question if the Parish Council’s choice of speed sensor sign is acceptable. She confirmed there is still uncertainty around the street lamp legislation, therefore it may be advisable to purchase and install a free standing post(s).
a) to note Barclays Bank statements
b) to note the Budget control statement (spreadsheet available at meeting)
c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve and sign cheques in respect of the following:
1) Viking Stationery £71.36 (£11.89 VAT)
2) PKF Littlejohn external audit £240.00 (£40.00 VAT)
3) GG Village Hall rental of parish office £1100.00 (no VAT)
4) to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th September and 1st and 31st August (these were not available to view at the meeting – Clerk will email to Cllrs Hill and Hodson for approval).
89.19 Financial Regulations – update in line with recent NALC review
A copy will be emailed to Councillors and a paper record kept in the Parish Office.
Cllrs Hodson proposed the approval of amendments to Financial Regulations, seconded by Cllr Pudney, all Councillors agreed.
90.19 Grass cutting contract for 2019/20
Clerk advised that, to date, only one quote received from CGM (current contractors). Will remind those already contacted and seek further contractors if necessary.
91.19 Tree removal – Chapel End Pond
Quotes received from:
Drayton Tree Care £950 + £190 (VAT) = £1140
Manor Farm Tree Services £600 + £120 (VAT) = £720
Global Tree Services £950 + £190 (VAT) = £1140
Proposal to instruct Manor Farm Tree Services by Cllr Hodson, Cllr Hebb seconded.
92.19 TO DO LIST – spreadsheet of all outstanding tasks in the Parish – update and amend as necessary – there were no additional tasks added to the spreadsheet.
Clerk requested Cllr Pudney to photograph and identify exact site of any footpath problems to enable report(s) to be made to made to CambsCC.
93.19 Budget Forecast for 2019/20 and next 3 years
Propose Approval of Budget Forecast for 2019/20 – Cllr Hebb proposed acceptance, Cllr Page seconded, all Councillors agreed.
94.19 Risk Assessments –Cllr Pudney has made a start and will continue to compile information. These will be submitted prior to future meetings for consideration and approval.
95.19 Correspondence received since 17th September 2019 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).
Separate list of correspondence will be available at the meeting, including the following:
- EACH (East Anglia’s Children’s Hospital) – request for funding.
- Chorus Homes – invitation to Community Inspiration Awards event on 24th October (booking required)
- Clerk advised that the Remembrance Day wreath has been delivered today, once date/time/venue of the Church Service are known Councillors will be advised – Cllr Page will attend the service if she is available.
96.19 Items for decisions at next meeting:
Approve precept for 2020/21
Clerk’s salary review for 2020/21(in accordance with Financial Regulation 4.4)
97.19 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 19th November 2019,
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding
Meeting closed at 21.22
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