Minutes of Great and Little Gidding Parish Council Meeting

Held on Tuesday 18th February 2020 at Great Gidding Village Hall

PRESENT:  Cllrs Hodson, Dear and Pudney, County Councillor Gardener and Parish Clerk

146.19              Chairman’s Welcome – Cllr Hodson welcomed those present to the meeting

147.19             Apologies were received:

                        Cllr Hill – Holiday

                        District Cllr Alban – ill health

                        Cllr Valderas – resigned 15th February 2020

                        Cllr Hebb – resigned 18th February 2020

148.19             There were no member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda

149.19              There was no Public or Press present.

150.19              To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 21st January 2020  

                        Cllr Dear and Cllr Pudney proposed and seconded, and signed by Cllr Hodson.                       

151.19             Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.

                        Cllr Hodson enquired of District Cllr Gardener if there had been any further information regarding the communications mast proposal – it had been noted that Elton village proposal had been rejected again, due to the exclusion zone relating to Sibson Aerodrome.

                        Clerk advised that the planning application for the rear of Fox and Hounds PH (replacing wall with fence) had been refused.

                        Clerk asked Cllr Gardener’s advice as a resident had notified that there appeared to be people living in the barn adjacent to 21 Mill Road (copy of planning application attached relating to that site) – Cllr Gardener said that Huntingdon District Council Planning Department should be informed to enable them to investigate.

                        Clerk also advised Cllr Gardener that she was still awaiting a response from Highways Department and/or Footpath Officer of Cambridgeshire County Council regarding the Jitty Footpath enquiry – she was advised to remind them and copy in Cllr Gardener.

152.19             COUNCIL ISSUES TO NOTE:

To receive reports from Councillors:

County Councillor Gardener – he had been on the panel when Cllr Hill presented the Gidding’s bid for the Local Highways Initiative Bid and a decision should be known on or about 10th March 2020, he will contact us with the outcome.

He advised that the 2020-2021 Local Highways Bid has been brought forward to be made between April and May 2020 (see email).  Funds associated with this bid are to be increased by £200,000.  There is also to be a general increase to Highways funding.

He updated on a meeting held to discuss the A14 between Ellington and Thrapston as there had been a significant increase in traffic through adjacent villages.  Highways England plans to improve junctions along this part of the A14 before 2030.

The works along the A14 and other roads around Huntingdon continues, with the viaduct over the railway to be removed by 2022.

The A428 works will continue to 2022.

There has been an increase in Council Tax of 1.59% plus 2% to Social Care.

Cambs County Council will gradually change their vehicles to electric power.

Cambs County Council are making a £15million investment to change their buildings to non-carbon fuels

(See    for further details regarding above).

Cllr Hill had submitted a written note to advise that his presentation to the LHI Bid panel was made on 3rd February and he believed the proposal was “well received”.

Cllr Dear – potholes in Chapel End near to Mill Meadow – Clerk will complete an online report to CambsCC Highways.

Cllr Pudney – nothing to report

Cllr Hodson – nothing to report

153.19             FINANCIAL MATTERS:

                        a) to note Barclays Bank statements

b) to note the Budget control statement – Cllr Hodson advised that the budget looked good and answered general questions regarding the spreadsheet.

Clerk advised that the Reserves bank account received £31.92 interest.

Clerk advised that the Precept had been approved.

c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve and sign cheques in respect of the following:

1) J R B Enterprise Ltd              Dog waste bags            £74.10 (11.90 VAT)    

2) J R Trolove – Clerks working hours for December    £xxx     (no VAT)

3)  to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 31st January

154.19             Recreation Ground update

                        Decision to replace swing seats – Clerk had prices for 2 x different seats and will contact Wicksteed.  Cllr Pudney asked that all 4 seats be replaced.

                        Decision to install safety matting under spaceship roundabout – Cllr Hodson advised that 4 tiles would be needed at a price of £18.00 per tile plus pegs required and proposed purchase of these items, Cllr Pudney seconded.

                        Cllr Dear reminded that toilet door lock needed replacing

Cllr Dear will find a contractor to weld cover for toilet unit pipework

155.19             Grass Cutting contract for approval and signature.

Cllr Hodson proposed acceptance and Cllr Pudney seconded.  Clerk will sign the contract to enable grass cutting to commence in early March.

156.19             Newsletter to parishioners – at a previous meeting Cllr Hebb had proposed a change to the Clarion format therefore Clerk had obtained comparative quotes for printing.  It was agreed that as Cllr Hebb would not be leading this project, no other Councillor wished to take it on and to continue with the Clarion but Cllr Pudney suggested to rename the Clarion as “Gidding News” – this was seconded by both Cllrs Dear and Hodson.  Cllr Pudney suggested enquiring if CARESCO would be prepared to include Gidding News as part of the bi-monthly Sawtry Eye, which is distributed around the Giddings and other local villages – Clerk will enquire at CARESCO.

157.19             Councillor training – Cllr Dear – move to March agenda

158.19             Correspondence received since 21st January 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).  Correspondence will be available to view at the meeting, including the following:

                        1)  East Anglian Childrens Hospital, letter requesting support/donation – Parish Council does not wish to donate.

                        2)  Keep Britain Tidy – between 20th March and 13th April – as there had been recent litter pick sessions held in the village, it was not felt that another event should be organised at present.

                        3) Huntingdon District Council invitation to Huntingdonshire Town and Parish Council Conference – Wednesday 18th March at Burgess Hall, St Ives – Cllrs to advise Clerk is they require a place booking.                     

159.19             Items for decisions at next meeting: 

                        Training for Councillors and Clerk

                        Risk Assessment report – Cllr Pudney

                        Review of Asset Registers – Clerk

                        Clerk’s appraisal feedback – Cllrs Hill and Hodson

Appoint Internal Auditor and prepare for Audit – Clerk

                        Recreation Ground – review Hiring Agreement and Hire charges

                        Prepare for Election or Co-option of Parish Councillor

Preparation for the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting of                                                      the Parish Council – Cllr Hill and Clerk                                   

160.19             Date of next meeting – Tuesday 17th March 2020,

starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great GiddingMeeting closed at 8.35PM

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