Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Present: Cllrs Hodson and Pudney and the Clerk at the Village Hall, Great Gidding and Cllr Hill joined the meeting via Zoom. There were two members of the public present at the Village Hall.
081.20 Cllr Hodson, Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
082.20 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Dear – unable to attend
District Cllr Alban – attendance at another meeting
County Cllr Gardener – hoped to join the meeting via ZOOM
083.20 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
There were none
084.20 Public & Press participation session with respect to items on the Agenda
Members of the public were in attendance for 089.20
085.20 To confirm and accept minutes of the meeting held on 18th August 2020
Cllr Pudney proposed acceptance, and this was confirmed by Cllr Hodson.
086.20 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.
There were none
087.20 To receive reports from Councillors:
Cllr Hill – to confirm that the 2021-22 Local Highways Initiative bid has already been submitted to Cambridgeshire County Council. At present more details of the 2020-21 project are awaited.
Cllr Pudney – confirmed that the broken limb has been removed from the tree in Chapel End. He also confirmed that fly tipping online reports have resulted in the rubbish being removed but he has noticed a general increase in litter, both in the parish and the wider landscape and suggested a litter picking event (see 095.20(b)).
Cllr Hodson – acknowledged that renewal date for allotments is not due until 1st October and that one plot has “changed hands” thereby reducing the waiting list to one name/family, but suggested that where a tenant holds 2 plots, those tenants should be given 12 month’s notice to vacate the plot, to allow the second name on the waiting list to become an allotment holder. Clerk will update Councillors, once it is known if all tenants are to renew their rental of their plot, Clerk will check with the remaining name/family on the waiting list to ensure they are still interested and then further steps will be considered.
Cllr Hodson has removed lower branches from the walnut tree that is growing close to the entrance to the allotments/Jubilee Wood to enable ease of access and allow more light into the surrounding area.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements
b) to note the Budget control statement – a copy will be sent out with the Minutes together with cash flow forecast and budget reserves details.
c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – the following payments were agreed.
Who | What for | Amount | VAT | Authorised | Authorised | |
34 | J R Trolove | Wages for July–32 hours | £xxx | NONE | JRT | PH |
35 | Bradgate Fencing | Grass cutting on 14 /8 Invoice no 8293 | 99.66 | 16.61 | JRT | PH |
36 | CANALBS | Internal Audit report | 127.50 | NONE | JRT | PH |
d) to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 31st August (34 hours) – approved by Cllrs Hodson and Pudney.
089.20 Co-option of Parish Councillors – Ms Anne Cotton and Mr Jan Maciag were welcomed to the meeting. They both signed an “Acceptance of office” as co-opted members of the Parish Council and will complete and return the Register of Interest forms.
090.20 Planning matters:
65 Main Street – removal of hedgerow – the Planning Enforcement Officer, Huntingdonshire District Council had emailed to advise that she has still to establish owners of the hedge and properties either side. The Clerk has emailed details to the Planning Enforcement Officer
7 Mill Road – removal of 2 x oak trees, (no facility to make comment on this application, therefore email sent to Conservation Officer). Clerk has checked the application online and Parish Council comments are linked to the application but there is no indication if the application is approved or otherwise.
Blocked public footpath between Chapel End and Mill Road reported online – to date no response received from CambsCC.
Reform of Planning matters – NALC document on Planning Policy reform and completion of questionnaire – Cllr Maciag will read through the documents and make recommendations to Councillors at the October meeting.
091.20 NALC website accessibility statement requirements. Catalyst Design will commence the work and report. *** an email was received during the meeting and forwarded to Councillors immediately following the meeting. This outlined actions that are required and how corrections could be put in place.
092.20 Recreation Ground Update:
Multi Use Games Area – Cllr Pudney presented proposed site plans for the area, two of which were at the Winwick end of the Rec. Ground and another which was close to the entrance off Winwick Road. Whilst the site close to the entrance may necessitate the storage container being moved (overall area is approximately the size of a tennis court with access around), it was agreed by those present that this would be the preferred site. A planning application will be prepared by Cllr Maciag for submission to Huntingdonshire District Council. Once planning requirements have been met, this will enable grant applications to be completed.
093.20 Parochial Church Council for St Michaels – it was agreed that any discussion/arrangements in respect of “Operation London Bridge” should be shared with the PCC. Clerk will liaise with the PCC.
094.20 The list of opportunities for volunteers to engage with tasks within the Parish (discussed at the August meeting) will be shared with Parishioners via a flyer. Other items to be included in the flyer:
Welcome of new Parish Councillors, and request for one more.
Village Hall update re. repairs and request for committee members
Litter pick event around Great and Little Gidding (obtain information pack from HuntsDC)
Proposal for MUGA on Recreation Ground
Update on the proposed telecommunications mast and base
Reminder of any COVID related contact details – include Face/Hands/Distance/6 if space allows
Orchard structure photograph
Invite interest for members of Gidding Charity (see Gidding Charities meeting 021.20)
Clerk and Cllr Pudney will liaise regarding content and layout before sending to Councillors for amendments and approval.
095.20 Correspondence received since 18th August 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).
Clerk: NO letters have been received since the last meeting. Due to COVID 19 restrictions emails have been shared almost immediately.
a) Email from Cambs ACRE – invitation to join their ZOOM AGM on Weds 30th September, must register at least one week before.
b) Hunts DC email – community litter picking events – information pack online.
096.20 Items for decisions at next meeting:
Precept – discussion of annual budget to enable the precept to be applied for.
97.20 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 20th October 2020,
starting at 1930 hours. It is likely that this meeting will take place online due to virus restrictions, details will be confirmed on the agenda.
Meeting closed at 20.50
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