Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 15th December 2020
Present: District Councillor Alban, Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, and Pudney and the Clerk
132.20 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present at the meeting
133.20 Apologies were received from:
County Councillor Gardener – at another meeting
Cllr Dear – Clerk was unable to contact via telephone
Cllr Macaig
134.20 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
135.20 Public & Press participation session:
Cllr Alban – he had contacted the enforcement officer in Hunts DC Planning Department, requesting an update regarding the potential “dwelling” adjacent to 21 Mill Road. He had received advice that this matter was still ongoing. He advised that all Departments of the Council are working to the best of the ability, given the circumstances that COVID presents. Cllr Hodson enquired about Sawtry Leisure Centre re-opening but Cllr Alban advised that, as the property/business is no longer owned by the District Council, he was unable to answer this, Cllr Pudney advised that through his children’s attendance at Sawtry College, he was aware that it was the intention to re-open the Leisure Centre as soon as virus restrictions and compliance allow. Cllr Alban gave his best wishes to all for Christmas and New Year.
Cllr Alban left our meeting to rejoin Folksworth Parish Council meeting at 19.38.
136.20 Minutes of the meeting held on 17th November 2020 were confirmed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Cotton
137.20 Matters arising from those Minutes that will not be discussed as an agenda item.
Cllr Hodson thanked those who submitted items and compiled the newsletter, all copies have been distributed to residents of the parish.
Clerk advised the following:
a) the annual CIL tax return has been submitted to Hunts DC
b) the annual Precept request has been submitted to Hunts DC
c) a VAT return was submitted to HMRC – a total of £356.04, and this amount was paid into the bank account on 15 December 2020.
d) AGAR report has been received from external auditor, PKF Littlejohn. There were no comments regarding the report, and this will be published on the village website.
Clerk had attended an online Society of Local Council Clerks meeting and advised that there is the possibility that Parish Councils could become involved with the rollout of the COVID vaccination programme, details not yet known. Also Parish Councils will be asked to assist with the 2021 census returns – details to follow, and see 144.20 – Correspondence received.
Cllr Hodson – Due to avian flu outbreaks, all poultry on the allotments is now housed indoors and undercover. The allotments and Jubilee Wood are very wet underfoot due to excessive rain but there are many people walking around the wood and making use of the facility. Michael Trolove continues to remove blackthorn when time and weather conditions allow.
Cllr Hill – had met with Jo Challis to confirm the siting of the post at the Glatton end of Main Street, but it had been difficult to find a suitable site for a second post at the Winwick end of Main Street due to the proximity of housing to the road, required sight lines etc. Cllr Hill had requested that the project go ahead with just one post for the camera for now, to ensure that the installation project was not delayed, and further thought and investigation will be given to a second post in the future. The Clerk had consulted Holme Parish Clerk, as their parish has had speed cameras for a few years and recently installed another post, it was confirmed that moving the camera from time to time was beneficial and reflected in the results obtained from their camera.
There were no further Councillor reports.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements
b) to note the Budget control statement and the cash flow forecast – Cllr Hodson explained that, whilst the forecast shows an overspend on website provision, this was an essential expense to bring the website into line with current legislation.
c) PAYMENTS AND ACCOUNTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:
Who | What for | Amount | VAT | Authorised | Authorised | |
50 | J R Trolove | Wages for October – 29 hours | £xxx | NONE | JRT | PH |
51 | Bradgate Fencing | Grass cutting Invoice no 8550 | 99.66 | 16.61 | JRT | PH |
48 | Viking Stationers | Paper and print cartridge | 59.95 | 9.99 | JRT | PH |
49 | Cambs ACRE | Annual subscription | 57.00 | NONE | JRT | PH |
52 | PKF Littlejohn | External Auditor | 240.00 | 40.00 | JRT | PH |
CH | J R Trolove – refunded for National Tool Hire | Hire of heavy duty wood chipper | 192.95 | N/A | JRT | PH |
53 | Inkwell Printing | Printing of newletter | 23.00 | NONE | JRT | PH |
Payments were agreed by Cllr Pudney and seconded by Cllr Cotton.
d) to approve Clerk’s hours worked between 1st and 30th November ( 27 hours)
Pay scales for Parish Clerks have increased, this Clerk is on SCP14 of the pay scale, which has increased to £12.00 per hour
Cllr Pudney proposed the increase in hourly rate and this was agreed by Cllr Cotton.
140.20 Planning matters:
a)Ref: 20/00243/ENTRÉE 65 Main Street – removal of hedgerow (Andrea Dollard, Enforcement Officer at HuntsDC) – nothing further heard
b)Report no 34428 (Zaria Bettles) Blocked public footpath (No 6) between Chapel End and Mill Road reported online – Parish Clerk has given details of field owners to Footpath Officer to enable her to pursue this matter. Nothing further heard but Cllr Hodson has walked the footpath and, once again, the gate was tied with string, although no further dumping of vegetation.
c) 2 Gains Lane – aerial removed, conservatory still in situ
d) land adjacent to 21 Mill Road – Andrea Dollard, to follow up with Hunts DC colleague – see District Cllr Alban’s report at 135.20
e) Neighbourhood Plan update – it was agreed by all that the letter and accompanying map should be sent to Hunts DC to start the process.
f) proposed telecommunications mast – application to site at Luddington in the Brook, although objection refers to sites “offered” around Great Gidding parish – East Northants DC Planning Dept have advised that planning permission is not required as this application falls under Permitted Development . No further action or information.
g) Cllr Macaig has completed the planning application form in respect of the MUGA for the Recreation Ground, once this has been shared with other Councillors, it can be forwarded to Hunts District Council Planning Department. It was agreed by Councillors that it would be courteous to inform residents adjacent to the proposed site and then inform all villagers of the plans through an issue of the Gidding News in Spring 2021 or, if permitted at an event in the Village Hall.
*** Clerk phoned Cllr Dear, no response
141.20 Recreation Ground Update:
Safety report – Cllr Hodson had checked the field (report to follow) – the replacement bench slats still to be addressed.
Wicksteed will be asked to carry out the annual safety inspection.
Funding of MUGA – to be discussed at a future meeting
142.20 Public Footpaths –
a) Clerk has obtained National Farmers Union signs to be used on Public Footpaths, which includes a reminder to dog owners to clear up after their dog.
b) following a resident’s request for the Parish Council to address the increased incidents of dog fouling on grass verges and public property, an article was added to Gidding News (distributed early December) to remind dog owners.
c) Dog waste bins – as Cllr Dear was not present at the meeting, we did not have any information or update.
143.20 Parish Pond opposite Recreation Field. Possibility of creating bio diversity habitat and applicable grant application – the Clerk was aware of a flood prevention scheme associated with the Alconbury Brook which is adjacent to the pond, this scheme is linked with the Environment Agency and the first point of contact is Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group. Clerk has contacted the representative sending initial information and a site map and, during the course of the meeting, received advice that a visit will be made to site in the next few days by Lucy Jenkins from FWAG.
144.20 Correspondence received since 20th November 2020 (other than that discussed in agenda items above).
Due to COVID 19 restrictions emails have been shared almost immediately.
CENSUS 21 – advice – it was agreed that the next issue of Gidding News, in February 2021 would promote this exercise.
145.20 Items for decisions at next meeting:
146.20 Date of next meeting – Tuesday 19th January 2021,
starting at 1930 hours ONLINE via ZOOM
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