Minutes of the meeting held at Great Gidding Village Hall on Tuesday 20th September 2022
Present: Cllrs Hodson, Bolton, D’Altilia, Moody, Hargrave and Maciag, and the Clerk.
095.22 Chairman’s Welcome
096.22 Apologies were received from:
County Councillor Gardener – ill health
District Councillor Alban – attending other meetings
097.22 There were no members declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
098.22 No members of the Public or Press were present
099.22 Minutes of the meeting held on 16th August 2022 were confirmed as a correct record – Proposed by Cllr Macaig, seconded by Cllr Hargrave.
100.22 There were no Matters arising from those Minutes.
101.22 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk:
Clerk – Allotment renewal notices have been sent out by email and/or hand delivered.
Cllr Macaig has refurbished the bench and, it was agreed by all, has made a splendid job of it.
Cllr Hargrave wished to thank the resident who has planted up and looks after the village sign planters and tubs at the Village Hall – Clerk will pass this on.
Cllr Hodson advised that the School had a full time Head until January.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account (it would appear the Bank Statement did not scan, Clerk will email to Councillors)
b) PAYMENTS – online payments in respect of the following were approved by Cllrs Hodson and Moody:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised | |
J R Trolove | Wages for July (30 hours) | Xxx | ~ | JRT | ||
Bradgate Ground Maintenance (844) | Grass cutting of Rec Field | 199.32 | 33.22 | JRT | ||
CAPALC Invoice no 3536 (KM) | Training session for | 75.00 | NIL | JRT |
- Clerk’s working hours for August – total of 25.5 approved
- Clerk’s annual appraisal – copies given to Councillors.
103.22 Neighbourhood Plan – A provisional date for a standalone meeting will be set and Winwick representatives invited to attend, Hamerton& Steeple Gidding to be informed too.
104.22 Planning Applications and Planning matters –
a) Received by email on 26th August 2022
Proposal: Access paths, ramps and doors for Little Gidding Church.
Site Address: St Johns Church Access Road To Ferrar House From Church Lane Little Gidding
Reference: 22/01753/FUL
Decision required by 17th September 2022 – extension requested on 26/8/2022, Lewis Collins, Senior Development Management Officer until 23 September 2022
Councillors studied the associated documents for this application and felt that it met the following criteria – LP9, LP11, and LP34 but remarked that they would like to see a drawing/photograph of the proposed door to the Oratory before making a final comment.
b) Planning Decision Spreadsheet – used for the first time to assess the planning application
c) a planning application has been received on the afternoon of the meeting, an extension of time will be requested.
105.22 Training opportunities for Councillors and Clerk:
Councillor Training (online via ZOOM)
Councillor Hargrave to attend the training session on 8th October
Tuesdays – 11/18/25 October are available
106.22 Cllr Moody’s feedback on her training session. As other Councillors have advised after attending training sessions, it would be useful to have bulletpoint notes associated with each section, prior to the session, as it there was insufficient time to make notes and understand the content at times.
107.22 Parochial Church Council members to discuss Church matters (their attendance has been postponed to the October meeting). Cllr Bolton asked for this matter to be considered and there followed a long discussion regarding Church support, financialand otherwise. |
108.22 Recreation Ground:
MUGA – Cllrs Moody and Hargrave have identified a couple of possible funding options and will make further enquiries. Cllr Moody suggested that the next issue of the Gidding News should advise that resident’s engagement and opinions will be required to take this forward, and that the facility will be for all ages and abilities
109.22 Cllr D’Altilia’s research on a messaging service between Parish Council and residents. He produced a comparison spreadsheet of companies, costs and facilities and the decision by Councillors was use the Firetext messaging service. Cllr D’Altilia will set this up and parishioners will be invited to join the service via the next Gidding News, followed up by a leaflet to each household.
110.22 Cllr D’Altilia shared the designs he has created for logo/coat of arms for Parish Council to be included in Parish News, with a request for Parishioners to vote on their preferred option.
111.22 Gidding News (Autumn 2022 issue) – additions and amendments were made (see 108.22 and 109.22) and a reminder about the Tuesday coffee mornings added.
112.22 Correspondence received since 16th August:
a) NALC newsletters – dated 17/8, 19/8, 23/8, 24/8, 26/8, Parish Online (not sure if this is part of NALC), 2/9, 7/9, 9/9
b) Neighbourhood Alert – email dated 16/8, 22/8, 30/8, 5/9, 6/9 Latest from the Courts, 16/8 Could you work without your tools, 17/8 hoax calls to 999, 22/8 Podcast, catching a paedophile, 23/8 Ecops online reports, 26/8 re. podcast on neighbourhood Policing, 29/8 info about live webchat, 30/8 Ram raids, 5/9 Street Harassment, 7/9 Podcast – the law has changed, 7/9 Energy rebate scams, |
d) CAPALC email dated –
e) Cambs CC email dated 16/8 The Library Presents booklet, 24/8 Think Communities newsletter, 31/8 Cambridgeshire Matters, 6/9 Highways Community Gritting Scheme request for volunteers, 6/9 Transport Strategies Stakeholder Engagement Report, various road closures within the County between 1/8/2022 and 1/1/2024 – includes Main Street, Great Gidding – signs will be erected prior to closures.
f) Hunts DC email dated 16/8 Parish Forum meetings for Chair and Clerk, 17/8 Litterminimisation – litter pickers wanted, 19/8 draft masterplan for market towns, 15/9 Warm Spaces scheme (Clerk proposed that initially the alternate week coffee mornings could provide this “space”, and be monitored for future requirements).
g) Economic Development Huntingdonshire DC invest@huntingdonshire.gov.uk – weekly Business News – email dated 26/8, 2/9
i) District Councillor Tim Alban forwarding link to Great Gransden Neighbourhood Plan consultation.
j) 2/9 East Anglian Air Ambulance – clothing bank request for site
k) 2/9 Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough update
l) 7/9 invitation to:
Event : Colne Jubilee Woodland
Date : 27/09/22 Time : 11.30am – 2.30pm.
Place : Entrance via : Colne Village Hall, East Street, Colne, PE283LZ
m) 8/9 Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – various emails from Huntingdonshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, CAPALC, NALC, Cambs Acre and others
n) 15/9 Anglian Water Fen Reservoirs project – information, but sites not announced
If you wish to see items of correspondence or obtain the links to online surveys, please contact the Parish Clerk.
113.22 Items for next meeting:
Remembrance wreath and attendance at Church Service
Parish Precept for 2023-24 – consideration of any changes required.
Planning application
Neighbourhood Plan
114.22 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th October 2022
starting at 1930 hours in the Village Hall, Great Gidding.
The meeting closed at 21.18
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