Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2024
Present: Councillors Moody, Hargrave, Bolton, D’Altillia and Maciag and the Clerk.
037.24 Councillor Maciag, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting.
038.24 Apologies were received from:
Cllr Hodson – holiday
Cllr Sanders – delayed at work
County Councillor Gardener – at another meeting
District Councillor Alban – at another meeting
039.24 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
040.24 No members of the Public or Press attended the meeting
041.24 Minutes of the meeting held on 21st May 2024 were confirmed as a correct record by Councillors Bolton and Moody
042.24 To receive reports from Councillors and Clerk
Clerk – amended information booklets have been delivered to 3 x new households in the Parish.
Clerk will email Declaration of Interest Forms to Councillors for completion and return.
a) to note Barclays Bank statements for Parish Council account.
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 4/6/2024 £10824.83 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 4/6/2024 £26,385.30 (1.85% interest applicable)
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 4/6/2024 – £249.77
b) PAYMENTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised |
J R Trolove | Wages for April (26 hours) | *** | NIL | JRT | |
Milton Estates | Rental of footpath to Rec Field | £1.00 | NIL | ||
Viking | Print carridges | £105.16 | 17.53 |
*** not received from Payroll Services, will be circulated by email for approval once available.
- to approve Clerk’s working hours for May – total of 33 – approved by all
- AGAR – the Internal Auditor had an online review with the Clerk on Friday 14th June, the report had been received, Clerk read out the content and will share via email. Cllr Maciag and the Clerk signed the AGAR documents.
- VAT reclaim submitted on 31st May and received for £615.06
044.24 PLANNING applications and matters:
None, as at 14th June
045.24 Recreation Field – Wicksteed will carry out inspection within 16 weeks.
Green Flag accreditation for community spaces – Power Point slides available – not discussed.
The internal auditor had highlighted the need to complete regular risk inspections (preferably monthly, but at least quarterly). Survey forms will be sent to Councillors
046.24 Communication with parishioners. Cllr D’Altillia suggested a monthly newsletter, shared via the community WhatsApp page (currently viewed by approx 70 persons). This can then be added to the village website (also circa 70 regular viewers), and on the noticeboard at the Village Hall). Cllr D’Altillia offered to compile the newsletter/WhatsApp post and this was accepted by all.
047.24 Village Maintenance – Clerk has been in correspondence with tree surgeons in respect of the Pound, the Parish Pond on Winwick Road and the around the entrance to the Recreation Field – they have requested an accompanied visit to these sites to assess what is required. Cllr Maciag will meet with them.
Cllrs Hargrave and Moody expressed concern at the vegetation growing over the Main Street footpath. Clerk to research who is responsible, especially around the school site, and contact Cambs County Council via the online report webpage.
048.24 Allotments – DEFRA poultry register changes with effect from 1st October 2024 – Clerk will revise the content of the allotment holder’s tenancy agreement for approval at the June meeting.
The internal auditor had highlighted the need to complete regular risk inspections (preferably monthly, but at least quarterly). Survey forms will be sent to Councillors
049.24 Correspondence received since 21st May 2024:
a) NALC newsletters – dated Chief Executives Bulletin NALC events,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters monthly edition, Road Safety Education Newsletter, Remembrance Day events 2024, Highways events for June (nothing in our Parish, but Gigaclear works in Glatton on B660 – 14-18 June), TMC incident report for roads – none in this Parish, Revised plan on weed control – within 40mph limit area only – twice a year, Summer holiday scheme – activities and free school meals – poster (see Parish Office window),
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – poster for Active Health at One Leisure, Parliamentary Election notices and information for display (Parish Office window will be used, as AGAR documents are in the noticeboard).
d) CAPALC –newsletter, training dates, 29/5 pre-election guidance from NALC, shaping our new and improved bus routes – various events between 10-13 June,
f) Cambs Acre – Staying in Touch newsletter, affordable rural housing presentation – 11th July (need to book),
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
h) Parish Online newsletter
i) Neighbourhood Alert/ECOPS etc – News from the Courts email
j) Cllr Ian Gardener – Mental Health Event at Sawtry Academy on Sunday 14th July (poster in Parish Office window)
k) Ron Bailey at parliament.uk (email 5th June) – request for support on campaign regarding the safety issues around lithium ion batteries
050.24 Items for next meeting:
Completed Declaration of Interest forms from all Councillors
Review Standing Orders and amend where required
Review Financial Regulations and amend where required
051.24 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th July 2024
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
The July meeting will be followed by a Village Hall Trustees meeting.
Meeting closed at 20.38
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