Present: Councillors Maciag, Moody, Hargrave, Bolton and Hodson, County Councillor Gardener and the Clerk. One member of the Public joined the meeting (CB)
0150.24 Cllr Maciag, as Chairman, welcomed those present to the meeting
0151.24 Apologies and reasons for absence:
District Councillor Alban – attending another Parish Council meeting
0152.24 There were no declarations of Disclosable Interests for items on the Agenda
0153.24 1 member of the public was in attendance regarding his communications with Gigaclear (see 161.24(i)). He is unhappy with the internet signal to his home and requested the Parish Council to insist that CambsCC implement their programme for the village, as defined in Connecting Cambridgeshire. Cllr Moody will research the subject and report back at the February meeting. Resident left the meeting.
0154.24 Minutes of the meeting held on 17th December 2024 were accepted by Cllr Bolton and seconded by Cllr Maciag.
0155.24 Reports from Councillors and Clerk:
County Councillor Gardener
It is likely that the current structure of local government will be replaced. Cambridgeshire will include Peterborough area, but there is the possibility of 2 unitary authorities. Further details to follow, with a decision to be taken in Autumn 2025.
Highways Dept are revising their online reporting page and follow up systems.
Applications for 20MPH LHI bids are being accepted between 27th January and 25th March.
TING community bus is now known as TIGER, operating Monday to Friday between 6.30AM and 7.00PM – bookings can be made on 01480 595440.
Consultation is ongoing regarding remote access to meetings.
Cambs County Council portion of Council Tax will increase by 4.99%
Fire authority will increase their Council Tax apportionment by £4.95.
Kimbolton Fire station – the whole service is still being considered but more people have volunteered for the role of fire fighter.
He will be asking questions of CambsCC regarding the new school at Sawtry as, it was assured that when Great Gidding School closed in July 2023, the displaced children could transfer to this new school – building has not yet commenced.
Cllr Gardener left the meeting to attend another Parish Council meeting.
Cllr Hodson:
A working day, and ongoing works, in Jubilee Wood has resulted in groundcover being cut back extensively.
Parishioners will be asked, via village social media, for donations of money to make up the shortfall in funding for the replacement grass cutter and for donations of time and work to keep areas of the Wood tidy.
Cllr Hargrave:
Village Hall are holding a coffee morning (25th January) to complete the Photographic Competition (70+ entries).
Small Hall will be decorated on weekend of 1st-2nd February (postponed).
Application for grant to improve insulation in the Main Hall is to be submitted to Cambs Net Zero project.
Also considering submission of a Vibrant Village Hall grant.
A newsletter requires content, for publication in early February.
Dog fouling is increasing around the Parish – how can this be improved/resolved.
Cllr Maciag:
Compilation of the Neighbourhood Plan design guide is progressing.
Mr Nott of Milton Estates (Peterborough) has advised that no progress is being made in respect of the school house site, due to lack of engagement from CambsCC (the previous contact no longer employed) and only a consultant who has no authority to discuss/decide matters. He has requested Parish Council to try to move this forward. After discussion, it was agreed to request Cllr Gardener to intervene, obtain contact details and an update. If this fails, a formal complaint will be raised with CambsCC as this site is perceived as deteriorating and vulnerable.
a) December bank statements from Barclays Bank were shared prior to the meeting.
Interest rates decreasing from 1.4% to 1.35% with effect from 11 March 2025
- Parish Council (everyday) Account – balance as at 4/01/2025 £1196.74 (includes £500 bequest)
- Parish Council Deposit Account – balance as at 4/1/2025 £26,583.01
- Defibrillator account – balance as at 4/1/2025 – £251.64
Cllr Hodson had provided his monthly summary of the accounts and pointed out that, as the unspent Neighbourhood Plan grant monies had been refunded to Govt, there was currently no budget in respect of the Plan until Govt release further funding.
b) PAYMENTS – to approve online payments in respect of the following:
***Clerk’s wage slip was not available, therefore payment up to the sum of £300 was approved.
Who | What for | TOTAL | Invoice includes this VAT amount | Authorised | Authorised |
J R Trolove | Wages for November (26 hours) *** | Xxx | NIL | JRT | |
Cambs ACRE | Annual subscription | 65.00 | Invoice awaited | ||
Wicksteed | Rec Field Inspection | 180 | 30.00 |
- to approve Clerk’s working hours for December – total of 21
- Precept information from Huntingdonshire District Council was viewed
0157.24 PLANNING applications and matters:
- Application ref: 25/00018/FUL – installation of solar panels to 24 – 34 Main Street. Response required by 29th January. Councillors agreed this was a great idea and unanimously approved.
- It was noted that the plot between 65 and 67 Main Street will be known as Grain Dryer Barn, 65A Main Street.
0158.24 Allotments:
a) renewal of short term lease between The Gidding Charity and Great & Little Gidding Parish Council – renewal with the payment to remain at £400 per annum was approved by Cllrs Moody, Hargrave and Maciag
b) advisory note – one tenant of a joint tenancy has died and the tenancy has changed to a sole tenant.
0159.24 Village Maintenance –
a) list of outstanding jobs (Clerk) – ongoing
b) Chapel End dyke – Milton Estates to carry out some work
c) Winwick Road – Clerk has reported vegetation overhanging onto the highway – Highways reporting via online report.
d) Quote for tree work at Pound and Village Pond from Manor Farm Tree Services, comparative quotes sought. Clarify areas for cutting with Councillor Maciag. Further quotes have been requested
e) Clerk had a conversation with representative of DEFRA/Flood Management group re. Parish Pond on Winwick Road – his report is awaited.
f) Road surface gritting treatment – Main Street is top of the list for 2025.
0160.24 Section 137 Funding request
Councillor Hargrave – request for funding for the Village Hall to purchase equipment for Pickleball (https://www.pickleballengland.org/) – approved by all.
0161.24 Correspondence received since 17th December 2024:
a) NALC newsletters – dated Chief Executives Bulletin NALC events,
b) Cambridgeshire County Council –Cambridgeshire Matters monthly edition, Traffic Management Centre incident report for roads, Stay Well this Winter information packs available, Traffic Management events – 11th January – Straw bear festival,
c) Huntingdonshire District Council – Town and Parish Council newsletter (forwarded to Parish Councillors), details of Band D Council Tax will not be confirmed until after Friday 17th January (our precept return has already been submitted, but there may be some slight changes),
d) Cambs ACRE – Rural Affordable Housing letter and document, Staying in Touch newsletter,
e) CAPALC –newsletter, future training dates, Railway 200 events during 2025
f) Cambs Acre – Staying in Touch newsletter for November.
g) Combined Authority Cambridgeshire and Peterborough/Greater Cambridge Partnership – nothing
h) Parish Online newsletter for December and January.
i) letter from parishioner regarding broadband connection in the parish (Cllrs IG and TA have been sent copies).
0162.24 Items for next meeting:
Cllr Moody to report on Connecting Cambridgeshire research.
0163.24 The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th February starting at 7.30pm
in the Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding.
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