Parish Council Offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NU
Tel 01832 email:
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Alexander (chairman), James (vice chairman), Hayden, Hodson, Howden, Giddens and Trolove, County Cllr Bywater, District Cllr Tuplin and clerk
100.13 Apologies for absence – none
101.13 Minutes of 21st May 2013 were agreed and signed
102.13 Matters arising (information only)
103.13 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – Cllr Howden item 117.13 (1)
104.13 Acceptance of office forms – all Councillors signed a new form as recommended by the internal auditor
105.13 Update from County and District Councillors – Cllr Bywater offered to find out more about the proposed cut in bus service. Cllr Tuplin spoke on the Draft Local Plan and answered questions
106.13 Huntingdonshire District Council Green Heart Award – Cllr Michael Trolove had been awarded runner up Green Champion of the Year for 2013
107.13 Clerks Appraisal – Cllr Alexander had carried out an appraisal and would be writing up the annual report for signing. It was noted that the archives are still missing minutes of 17th January, 9th May, 31st May and 27th September 2006 and Cllr Hayden was requested to see if he could supply any of these.
108.13 Standing Orders review – Cllr James had read these and no amendments were recommended – all agreed
109.13 Risk management review – Cllr Howden will bring his recommendations to the next meeting
110.13 Pond maintenance schedule – Apart from building up a reserve for dredging the ponds in the future no other schedule of maintenance was required at this time. This also prompted discussion on marking the village ‘pound’ and it was agreed to meet at this location at 7.15pm on Tuesday 16th July prior to the Parish Council meeting
111.13 Fields in Trust plaque – notification that the sign is to be replaced had been received as there was a manufacturing fault.
112.13 Clarion June – minor amendments were made to the draft and it was agreed to ask Molly Garner to deliver again with Cllr James offering to deliver to Little Gidding and outlying properties
113.13 Internal Audit Report – A clear report had been received with observations on the need for a Lone Working and Grievance Policy – clerk to research and report back to next meeting
114.13 Allocation of Councillor Responsibilities
Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens reported that two signs had gone missing
Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – Cllr Trolove had installed the wood side arbour
Highways & Police – Cllr James
Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson
Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Cllr Howden – Replacement UPVC doors to village hall had been ordered. Wicksteed report highlighted the deterioration of the first part of the wooden adventure trail (Cllr James awaiting notification of grant award from HDC)
Allotments – Cllr Howden – one on the waiting list
Community Liaison – Cllr Alexander
116.13 Payment of accounts
Canalbs Ltd (internal audit) £80.50
S Dalley (stamps and copier paper) £9.99
S Dalley Clerk payment June £295.70
M Trolove (metal stakes for arbour) £27.96 Charity
Catalyst (web hosting) £112.68
CGM grass cutting £180.53
117.13 Planning
1.1300603FUL Erection of conservatory, 9 Main Street – recommend approval
2.1300716FUL Redevelopment of site, 76 Main Street- recommend approval subject to consideration being given to the impact on 70 Main Street especially in relation to the siting of windows
3.1300831LBC Extension and alterations inc vehicular access The Mill, Mill Road – recommend approval
4. Deterioration of farmhouse 61 Main Street – it was agreed to write again expressing concern over the loose roof tiles on the farmhouse and the hazard posed to pedestrians and vehicles.
118.13 Village maintenance – noticeboards Cllr Hayden agreed to refurbish the noticeboard near his property and Cllr James agreed to assess the work on the noticeboard outside the school
119.13 Connecting Cambridgeshire update – it was noted that the map of the first roll out programme did not include the Giddings
120.13 Correspondence received. HDC Draft Local Plan was available to view at the Old School, Green End Road, Sawtry on Wednesday 26th June 2-8pm
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