Parish Council Offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NU
Tel 01832 email:
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 17th September 2013 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Alexander (chairman), James (vice-chairman), Hayden, Hodson, Howden, Trolove, District Cllr Tysoe and clerk
161.13 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Giddens and County Cllr Bywater
162.13 Minutes of 20th August 2013 were approved and signed
163.13 Matters arising (information only)
164.13 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none
165.13 Parochial Church Council request for contribution towards churchyard grass cutting – paperwork to accompany request had not been received and therefore could not be considered.
166.13 HDC community chest fund for equipment on Recreation Ground – it was agreed to provide a static scooter and octopus seesaw plus replace the wobble board and stepping stones, Cllr James had received one quote and another two to be requested.
167.13 Risk management review – Cllr Howden to forward amendments for next meeting
168.13 Lone Working Risk Assessment – Cllr Alexander to complete assessment
169.13 Speeding traffic on Main Street – an email had been received from the school re parent complaints about speeding vehicles – clerk to advise school to refer complaints to the Neighbourhood Policing Team.
170.13 Highway maintenance update – Cllr Alexander had met with Mr Smith, Highways Dept who explained the new procedures to inspect quality of work for road repairs.
171.13 Village maintenance – path to dipping platform and clearance of ‘the pound’ by Community Pay Back Scheme. The Offender Manager had visited both sites and agreed that the work was suitable for the scheme. They would not be able to take away the vegetation but it was agreed that it be left on the verge by the pound and Cllr Trolove would arrange clearance. A key to the village hall would need to be given to the Foreman on the day to access toilet facilities.
172.13 Mobile Post Office reliability of service. An email had been received from the Post Office explaining the reason for the recent unreliability of the service. It was agreed to forward the list of dates when the service had not been present in the village – a record had been kept by one of the parishioners and Cllr Hodson would obtain a copy for the clerk.
173.13 Smartwater – items of Parish Council Property for marking. Cllr James and the clerk to mark equipment, complete registration and produce a list of items marked
174.13 Cambridgeshire Future Transport – a copy of letter from Mark Lloyd Cambridgeshire County Council to Shailesh Vara MP copied to Rose Foster was read out. It stated that no changes to the current bus service would be made until the community engagement process had been completed
175.13 Clarion publication – draft amendments made and Cllr James agreed to deliver copies again. Cllr Hayden thanked her for delivering a copy to all households in the parish.
176.13 Proposed removal of pavilion from recreation ground – It was agreed that the pavilion should be dismantled and disposed of. Cllr Trolove to ask Geoff G for a quote to demolish the pavilion and put into skip. Costs of skip hire to be obtained by the clerk.
177.13 District Cllrs update – Cllr Tysoe mentioned the A14 consultation and the HDC cutbacks to improve service and offer value for money.
178.13 Reports of Councillor Responsibilities
Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens had emailed a report on proposed work by CCC
Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – Cllr Trolove agreed to ask John Adams for a quote to cut back the boundary hedge between the allotments and the field.
Highways & Police – Cllr James agreed to contact the Community Safety Officer inviting them to give a presentation on Neighbourhood Watch
Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson had added the HDC funding, recycling credits and Jubilee allocation balance together to give £2085.51for the upgrade of the Recreation Ground Equipment
Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Cllr Howden reported that the hall bookings were ticking over nicely and there were no known problems on the Recreation Ground
Allotments – There may be some spare half/whole allotments become vacant. With one person on the waiting list it was agreed to advertise again in the Clarion. It was agreed to remind tenants that the boundary of the allotments should be accessible to the Parish Council
Community Liaison – Cllr Alexander gave details of the School Harvest on 25th September at 2.15pm and the Nativity on Thursday 12th December at 6pm.
179.13 Payment of accounts
S Dalley Clerk payment September £295.70
CGM grass cutting x August £180.53
180.13 Planning – Application 1301278FUL Proposed kitchen, utility, porch and bedroom extensions, 1 Dells Close – Recommend Approval
181.13 Correspondence received
. Connecting Cambridgeshire – Broadband update
. HDC Plans – Proposed Savings from Jason Ablewhite Exec Leader
. CCC – You choose how to spend county council budget – consultation until 30th November
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