Parish Council Offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding Huntingdon PE28 5NU
Tel 01832 email:
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 15th October 2013 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Alexander (chairman), James (vice-chairman), Hodson, Giddens, Trolove, County Cllr Bywater, District Cllr Tuplin and clerk
182.13 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Hayden and Howden
183.13 Minutes of 17th September 2013 were approved and signed
184.13 Matters arising (information only)
185.13 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – Cllr Giddens 200.13
186.13 Notice of completion of External Audit – clear audit returned and notice of completion of audit had been displayed. Agreed to pay invoice of £120
187.13 Parochial Church Council request for financial contribution towards grass cutting. This was discussed and a vote taken – 4 for and 1 against proposal to donate £200 – carried.
188.13 History Society request to fund the hire of village hall for meetings 2013/14. This was discussed and agreed that £100 be donated to fund the use of the village hall for meetings
189.13 Quotes for replacement and new equipment for Recreation Ground – Cllr James had received 3 quotes and it was agreed to accept Fenland Leisure Products quote of £1,998.00
190.13 Risk Management Review amendments – Cllr Howden had produced amendments which the clerk would incorporate and circulate to members.
191.13 Lone working risk assessment – Cllr Alexander went through the checklist which he will write up and it was agreed that this should be checked quarterly.
192.13 Mobile Post Office service customer care reply 25th September re dates the service had not been provided – this was noted and clerk to send a copy to Andy Hebb for information
193.13 Neighbourhood Watch – Cllr James had organised for a presentation to take place at 7pm prior to the Parish Council meeting on 19th November. Notification of this has been put in the Clarion.
194.13 Recreation Ground – removal of pavilion. Cllr Trolove agreed to assist in the demolition of the structure. Clerk had obtained cost of 8yd skip hire £160 + VAT but needs to confirm that roofing felt, glass, wood and plastic sheeting were all acceptable.
195.13 Village maintenance – it had been reported that the hedge behind the public bench at the crossroads was now overhanging the bench – it was noted that the hedge is the adjacent property holders responsibility and a letter had been sent to the owner.
196.13 Society of Local Council clerks membership renewal -£86. The clerk attended branch meetings and local training and it was agreed to pay the annual subscription
197.13 Grass cutting contract – review for 2014. This was the second year CGM had cut the grass and it was agreed to ask them to quote again and also for a 3 year contract.
198.13 County & District Cllrs update- County Cllr Bywater reported on the proposed seminar days for Parish Councillors by the County Council and the monthly CC email updates. District Cllr Tuplin reported on Alconbury Weald developments.
199.13 Reports of Cllr Responsibilities
Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens agreed to attend the County Council Parish Paths meeting on 19th November
Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – Cllr Trolove agreed to consider the District Council offer of trees for the parish
Highways & Police – Cllr James had applied smartwater to Parish Council equipment and the clerk had submitted the paperwork.
Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson had produced a 2014 draft budget plan for discussion at the November meeting.
Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Cllr Hodson reported that Sawtry Colts did not have a requirement to use the ground at present and this would therefore reflect on the income.
Allotments – Cllr Hodson reported no known problems
Community Liaison – Cllr Alexander had received enquiries about the lighting of bonfires but this had been taken up by individuals concerned
200 .13 Planning –
Application 1301393LBC replacement windows Thatched Cottage, 33 Chapel End. – No objections
Application 1301431FUL erection of single detached dwelling and associated car port (revised application to replace extant permission ref 1101000REP for erection of 2 dwelling houses) land at 23 Gains Lane. – No objections
Notification of allocation of address to new property adjacent to 47 Main Street – Corral Cottage, 49 Main Street – noted
201.13 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques
S Dalley (clerk) £298.68
S Dalley (clerk) back payment £17.88
CGM grasscutting September £180.53
PKF Littlejohn external audit £120.00
Anglian Water (Recreation Ground) £82.75
Anglian Water (Allotments) £26.35 (Charity)
SLCC membership renewal £86.00
202.13 Correspondence received
. Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner – launch of Neighbourhood Alert
. Victim Support request for donation – agreed not to support at this time.
. Luminus Grant Scheme – Cllr James agreed to look at the requirements for applying.
. Hunts Forum of Voluntary Organisations Volunteer Awards 2013 – It was agreed to nominate Cllr Hodson for all his work as a councillor and on the Village Hall & Recreation Ground committee.
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