Minutes of the meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council
held on 17th February 2015, 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Howden and the Clerk
Members of the public: None
21.15 Chair’s welcome
22.15 Apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Hayden, apology accepted.
23.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
24.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
25.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 20th January 2015
Minutes were approved and signed and dated by the Chair.
26.15 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
27.15 Communication from District and County Cllrs
Emails from D Cllr Tuplin and C Cllr Bywater were received and noted. Refer to PC minute file.
28.15 Communication from Parish Cllrs
Clerk was requested to contact the land agents re the dyke at Glebe field. Water on the road, caused by the blocked dyke, is causing ice and damage to the bridleway.
It was noted that dog mess was becoming worse on the bridleway off Luddington Road.
29.15 Communication from Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Committee
Minutes communicated. Cllr James to, possibly, attend the next committee meeting, 9th March.
30.15 Clerk’s Report
Clerk had requested a road sweeping schedule from HDC.
Cllr Howden proposed the Clerk followed Sawtry PC minute layout. Cllr Hodson seconded. Carried.
31.15 Finance
Proposed movement of allocated reserves Cheques were signed by Cllrs Alexander and Hodson, bar a refund to Cllr Alexander for the purchase of an ink cartridge. Clerk to request Cllr Hayden sign the cheque, out of meeting.
Precept of £10,835.00 was confirmed as approved by HDC.
Clerk was requested to check BT billing regarding line rental discount.
Cllr Hodson proposed the addition of the following allocated reserve:
£2,000.00 Trees;
and to increase the funds in the allocated reserves for the following, to:
£2,000.00 Recreation Ground
£2,000.00 Village Maintenance
Cllr Howden seconded. Carried.
32.15 Correspondence received (filed with PC minutes)
For information:
Update on Gains Lane, Tony King – noted.
Local Plan 2036, to view and comment – noted.
Highways fault reporting, centralised, no direct contact with officers – noted.
Member of the public reporting on Chapel End Pond – issue resolved.
Letter from Steve Smith re ash tree – noted. (Not on agenda).
33.15 Planning
34.15 Health and safety matters
35.15 Role of the Parish Council in its responsibilities of the recreation ground
Cllr Hodson proposed that the direct responsibility of the recreation ground should fall to the PC. Cllr James seconded. Carried.
36.15 Play equipment on the recreation ground Cllr James to investigate funding. Cllr Alexander to talk to Dick Downer. Continuing discussion.
37.15 Tree survey
Clerk requested to contact Ayres Tree Care to ascertain what information PC need to provide. Continuing discussion.
38.15 Village Hall notice board replacement
In progress, Cllr Alexander dealing.
39.15 PC hosting a Police Led Community Forum
PC decided this was not necessary, no action taken.
40.15 Update regarding use of Community Payback Team
Cllr James reported that she was in communication with Keith Mansfield, probation officer.
41.15 Policy review
Risk Assessment
In progress, Cllr Alexander dealing.
42.15 Annual Parish Meeting 19th May.
43.15 Booking of the Internal Auditor
Cllr Hodson proposed that Jackie Wilson is booked on 21st May, pm. Cllr James seconded. Carried.
44.15 Items for the next CLARION and update on current copy to go out
Copy ready to go. Cllr Alexander to purchase toner for Samsung machine.
45.15 Items for discussion on next agenda
Continuing discussions, no new items.
46.15 Date of next meeting
17th March.
47.15 Staffing matters
ILCA training course – discussion regarding paying the Clerk for the extra hours it will take her to complete this training.
Clerk confirmed the course was made up of 5 modules, taking approx. 2/3 hrs each. Cllr Giddens proposed the Clerk be paid an extra 10hrs to cover this. Cllr Howden seconded. Carried.
Meeting closed 9.00pm
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