Minutes of the meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council
held on 17th March 2015, 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson and the Clerk
Members of the public: None
48.15 Chair’s welcome
49.15 Apologies and reasons for absence
Cllrs Hayden and Howden, apologies accepted.
50.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
51.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
52.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 17th February 2015
Minutes were approved and signed and dated by the Chair.
53.15 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
54.15 Communication from District and County Cllrs
Reports were heard from C Cllr Bywater and D Cllr Tuplin.
Clerk requested to source a street lighting map indicating where lights would be switched off overnight.
55.15 Communication from Parish Cllrs
Reports were heard from the Parish Councillors.
56.15 Communication from Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Committee
Minutes were communicated ahead of the meeting. Clerk requested to advise the committee re the planned meeting on the Easter holiday and request a new list of scheduled meeting dates.
57.15 Clerk’s Report, inc:-
Road sweeper schedule, update
Clerk was requested to produce flyers for car windscreens ahead of the next sweep, requesting cars be parked off of Main Street.
Water over Luddington Road, update
Clerk reported that she had contacted David Buttery of Jolliffe Daking who was arranging for John Canton to look at the glebe.
ILCA, update of progress made
Clerk reported that 2 of 5 modules were complete.
58.15 Finance, inc:-
£305.21 Salaries (BACS)
£30.79 BT (DD)
£49.99 Samsung Toner Cart. (CHQ)
refund to Cllr Alexander
BT Billing and line rental discount discussion
All payments were, unanimously, approved. Paperwork and the cheque were signed by two signatories, bar the toner cartridge. Clerk to request Cllr Hayden signs this out of meeting.
It was, unanimously, agreed for the Clerk to organise payment of 12 months line rental at £169.90.
59.15 Correspondence received, inc:-
Email from Steve Smith (CCC Highways)
Clerk requested to email Mr Smith to thank him for his efforts in Great Gidding and to wish him good luck in his future role.
Letter from Land Registry confirming PC’s objection
It was agreed that this was a matter for the Trustees of the Great Gidding Charity Committee.
(correspondence filed with PC minutes)
60.15 Planning, inc:-
48 Main Street, 15/00256/FUL demolition of bungalow and erection of 1 detached dwelling After a discussion, it was, unanimously, agreed to recommend REFUSAL of this planning application based on the following reasons:
• The Parish Council believe the development is extending into the conservation area.
• The site entrance from the edge of No.50 to the boundary access, is 15ft. It shows as larger on the plan. According to the plans, therefore, the width of the drive is shown to be wider than the land that they actually own.
61.15 Health and safety matters
62.15 Play equipment on the recreation ground, update Cllr James advised that she was still investigating funding.
It was reported that an inspection had been carried out and the committee were awaiting feedback.
63.15 Tree survey, update
Clerk reported that she had contacted Ayres Tree Care and was advised that the PC needed to supply a map of the area, signifying the trees to be surveyed. Cllr Alexander offered to progress with this.
64.15 Village Hall notice board replacement, update
Cllr Alexander reported that the noticeboard had been temporarily fixed and that work on the new one was progressing.
65.15 Update regarding use of Community Payback Team
Cllr James reported that she was in communication with Keith Mansfield, probation officer.
66.15 Policy review, inc:-
Risk Assessment In progress, Cllr Alexander dealing.
67.15 Items for the next CLARION and update on current copy to go out
Clerk requested to have 160 copies to Cllr James for Monday 23rd March.
68.15 Items for discussion on next agenda
Continuing discussions plus a review of the Asset Register, including register of, Smartwater, marked items.
69.15 Date of next meeting
21st April.
Meeting closed 8.55pm
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