Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk
Members of the public: 0
C Cllr: Bywater
D Cllr: Tysoe
93.15 To elect the Chairman of the Council and to receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office Cllr Alexander was, unanimously, voted in as Chairman, which he accepted. His Declaration was completed and passed to the Clerk.
94.15 To elect the Vice Chairman and to receive the Vice Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office Cllr James was, unanimously, voted in as Vice Chairman, which she accepted. Her Declaration was completed and passed to the Clerk.
95.15 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
Cllr Howden, apology accepted.
96.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
97.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
98.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 21st April 2015
Minutes were, unanimously, approved by the PC. The Chairman signed and dated them.
99.15 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
100.15 Communication from District and County Cllrs
Reports were heard from C Cllr Bywater and D Cllr Tysoe.
At this point C Cllr Bywater, D Cllr Tysoe and Cllr Hayden left the meeting.
101.15 Communication from Parish Cllrs, inc:-
To review cllr responsibilities Reports were heard from the Parish Councillors.
Responsibilities to remain the same:
Cllr Giddens: Footpaths/Bridleways
Cllr James: Transport/Police
Cllr Hodson: Finance
Cllr Hodson: Allotments
102.15 Communication from Village Hall Charity Committee
Minutes and the Financial Report were noted.
103.15 Clerk’s report, inc:-
Extension of deadline for the receipt of Annual Return
PC noted.
Clerk added that still had to invoice the Horse Field and the Poor Field tenants.
Clerk reminded the PC that Tony King, Highways, was retiring on 17th July.
104.15 Correspondence received, inc:-
a) Email from Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) proposed revisions to the Local Validation List
PC noted.
b) Email from Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC) regarding speaking at District Council Development Management Panel Meetings
PC noted.
105.15 To note the following annual reviews have been completed
a) Asset register
b) Insurance schedule
Cllr Alexander to address ahead of the renewal of the PC insurance.
The Clerk advised that Cllr Giddens had compared the renewal information with that of last year’s schedule and approved the insurance renewal.
106.15 Finance, inc:-
a) Bank reconciliation and payment of accounts
£305.21 – Salaries (BACS)
£600.00 –Village Hall rental of office space (CHQ)
£11.85 – BT April payment (DD)
£102.89 – CGM, grass cutting (CHQ)
£492.58 – Aon UK Limited (CHQ)
£10,835.00 – Precept (BACS)
b) To note the bank account balance according to the current statement
PC noted.
c) To approve the end of year accounts up to and including 31st March 2015
d) Review of cheque signatories
Unanimously approved for the signatories to remain as is.
e) To review and confirm budgeted figures and allocated reserves
Cllr Hodson agreed to review these figures and to advise the PC ahead of the next meeting.
f) To review and agree layout of financial documentation
The amended layout of the Cash Flow document was, unanimously, approved.
All payments were, unanimously, approved. Paperwork and cheques were signed by two signatories.
107.15 Planning
108.15 Health & Safety matters, inc:-
a) Decision to purchase a salt/grit bin to be sited in Chapel End following a meeting with Tony King, highways
This was, unanimously, approved. Payment to come out the Village Maintenance allocation. Clerk to action ahead of next winter.
b) Review of bins for dog mess
The Clerk reported the following costs were received by HDC:
£341.00 plus VAT – New dual waste bin
£131.50 plus VAT – Installation of bin
£60.00 plus VAT – Disposal of old bin
She added that if the PC wanted to add a bin to a location where there was not currently one, HDC would monitor the area for 12 weeks before deciding if a bin was warranted.
Clerk to advise resident who had originally raised the issue and to add a piece to the notice board asking for residents to advise the Clerk if they felt more bins would be of benefit to the village. Item also to be included in the next Clarion.
109.15 Play equipment on the recreation ground, update – Cllr James
Cllr James reported that she anticipated a decision from the Community Chest Fund in June, as to whether the PC would receive funding. Cllr James to report back at the next meeting.
110.15 Tree Survey, update – Cllr Alexander
Cllr Alexander reported that he would be meeting with a surveyor this coming Friday. Cllr Alexander to report back at the next meeting.
111.15 Village Hall notice board replacement, update – Cllr Alexander
Cllr Alexander reported that work on the new notice board was progressing.
112.15 Update regarding use of Community Payback Team – Cllr James
Cllr James reported that she still had not had any communication from Keith Mansfield, probation officer. It was agreed for her to try and contact him one last time and report back.
113.15 Policy review, inc:-
Risk Assessment, update – Cllr Alexander
In progress, Cllr Alexander dealing.
114.15 To note the Local Government Transparency Code, April 2015
115.15 Discussion regarding the state of the village sign
The PC discussed and unanimously agreed, to strip off the paint and stain the wood underneath. Cllr James to investigate costs and report back.
116.15 Items for the next CLARION
Replacing current bins with dual waste bins for dog mess, Speedwatch, welcome new residents to the village, spare allotments.
117.15 Items for discussion on next agenda
Continuing discussions plus discussion of reintroducing a Welcome Pack for new residents to the village. Village Show contribution.
118.15 Date of next meeting
16th June 2015.
Meeting closed 9.10pm
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