Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk
Members of the public: 0
D Cllr: Tuplin
D Cllr: Tysoe
119.15 Chairman’s Welcome
120.15 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
An apology was received for Cllr James. No apology was received for Cllr Howden.
121.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests
At this point D Cllr Tysoe arrived.
122.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda
123.15 To confirm and accept minutes of 19th May 2015
Minutes were, unanimously, approved by the PC. The Chairman signed and dated them.
124.15 Matters arising from minutes (information only)
125.15 Communication from District and County Cllrs
Reports were heard from D Cllr Tuplin and D Cllr Tysoe.
At this point D Cllr Tuplin and D Cllr Tysoe left the meeting.
126.15 Communication from Parish Cllrs
Reports were heard from the Parish Councillors.
127.15 Communication from Village Hall Charity Committee
Minutes and the Financial Report had been circulated ahead of the meeting and were noted.
128.15 Clerk’s report, inc:-
Status of invoicing for parish land
Clerk reported that she still had to invoice the Horse Field and the Poor Field tenants. She added that she had not achieved filing the year end with the Charity Commission and had not logged the fault report with BT re the damaged facia board at the top of the village hall. She informed the PC that she had concerns regarding to amount of hours allocated to achieve all the monthly tasks.
129.15 Correspondence received, inc:-
a) Email from Sue Jarvis requesting a donation of £100.00 towards the costs associated with the Village Produce Show on the 6th September
£100.00 to taken out of the s137 allocation.
b) Emails from Martin Glower, re works in the village, commencing 10th June
bi) Gidding Rd/Bullock Rd/Steeple Gidding Rd
bii) Back Lane
biii) Chapel End
PC noted.
c) Letter from John Cooper, Hotel@Home, requesting their information be placed on the notice boards to advertise their new business
PC discussed and resolved that only PC business was to be displayed on the notice boards.
d) Letter from Luminus Group inviting cllrs to attend a seminar on 8th June
No Cllrs attended. Clerk had already advised Luminous.
e) Letter from The Pensions Regulator regarding the Parish Council’s automatic enrolment legal duties
Clerk advised that she had registered the PC, however, as previously agreed, the PC would not be providing a pension to their one employee.
f) Letter from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England regarding viewing the draft recommendations
PC noted.
g) Email regarding the Consultation on the revision of Cambridgeshire’s Strategy for Flood Risk
PC noted.
h) Email from the Village Hall Committee requesting financial support for WW2 event
PC discussed and agreed to contribute £250.00 towards the event. Monies to be taken from the s137 allocation.
i) Copy of letter from Mrs R P Hayden to Shailesh Vara MP
Although this was not received in time to be included on the agenda for this meeting, the PC agreed to receive it. PC noted.
130.15 Finance, inc:-
a) Bank reconciliation and payment of accounts
£305.21 – Salaries (STO)
£13.80 – BT May payment (DD)
£205.77 – CGM, grass cutting (CHQ 100912)
£112.68 – Catalyst Design Partnership (CHQ 100913)
£147.00 – Canalbs Ltd (CHQ 100914)
£350.00 – Great Gidding Charity (CHQ 100915)
= £100.00 (Village Show) + £250.00 (WW2 event)
b) To note the bank account balance according to the current statement
£13,883.32 – PC noted.
c) To confirm budgeted figures and allocated reserves
These were reviewed and approved. Clerk to update the spreadsheets to reflect the approved amends.
d) To move £750.00 from the Election allocated funds to Contingency
Clerk to action the change.
e) To consider a donation of £100.00 towards the Village Produce Show on 6th September 2015
Approved with one abstention.
f) To consider a donation of £250.00 towards a WW2 event
This consideration was not on the agenda due to information not arriving with the Clerk ahead of the agenda being published. It was, unanimously, agreed for the PC to consider the request due to the event date being before the next PC meeting.
Approved with one abstention.
All payments were, unanimously, approved. Paperwork and cheques were signed by two signatories.
131.15 To note the comments from the Internal Auditor on the Audit Commission Annual Return and to sign where necessary
PC noted and the Chairman and the Clerk completed the paperwork. Clerk to post paperwork ahead of the 22nd June, extended deadline.
132.15 Planning
133.15 Health & Safety matters, inc:-
a) The state of the jitty – Cllr Giddens
It was agreed for the Clerk to log the state of the jitty with Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC).
b) Gains Lane, overhanging branches – Cllr Giddens
It was agreed for the Clerk to log the overhanging branches with CCC.
134.15 Play equipment on the recreation ground, update – Cllr James
Cllr James was not in attendance. It was decided to discuss the matter at the next meeting.
135.15 Tree Survey, update – Cllr Alexander
Cllr Alexander reported that he had met with a local tree surgeon and understood that there were 3 trees in need of work. Cllr Alexander to obtain a quote for works. To be discussed at the next meeting.
136.15 Village Hall notice board replacement, update – Cllr Alexander
Due to the delay in action to replace the notice board with the current supplier, it was, unanimously, agreed for Cllr Alexander to source quotes for new notice boards and to report back at the next meeting.
137.15 Update regarding use of Community Payback Team – Cllr James
Cllr James was not in attendance. It was decided to discuss the matter at the next meeting.
138.15 Update on village sign work – Cllr James
Cllr James was not in attendance. It was decided to discuss the matter at the next meeting.
139.15 Discussion regarding reintroducing a Welcome Pack for new residents to the village
It was understood that the Church do not do this anymore and so was decided for Cllr Giddens to ask a resident in the village to produce a master copy. To be approved at the next meeting.
140.15 Policy review, inc:-
Risk Assessment, update – Cllr Alexander
Cllr Alexander explained that he had not had time to address this, as yet. To remain on the agenda.
141.15 Items for the next CLARION
The responsibility of the home owner to tackle overgrown hedges/branches that encroach onto the footpaths, roads, etc.
142.15 Items for discussion on next agenda
Continuing discussions. No new items.
143.15 Date of next meeting
21st July 2015.
This section of the meeting was closed to the public
Staffing Matters
144.15 To arrange a date and attendees for the Clerk’s annual appraisal
TBC. Cllr Alexander to co-ordinate with the Clerk and Cllr Giddens, who will also be attendance.
Meeting closed 9.10pm

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