Great Gidding Christmas Cornucopia 2021
How lovely to be able to meet up with people again’
The village hall looks spectacular’
A great Great Gidding event’
So good to do something normal and Christmassy again’
Those are just a few of the comments made by visitors to our second Christmas Cornucopia in the Village Hall on 27 November.
Despite the weather doing its best to discourage anyone from leaving the warmth of their home, you came in your droves to support the first ‘proper’ event in the village hall since the pandemic put paid to so many plans.
With a wide-ranging array of quality goods and crafts, there was plenty to attract those in search of Christmas gifts for youngster and oldster alike. All the stallholders reported a busy afternoon while the tombola was as popular as ever.
The main hall was, indeed, beautifully arrayed in a festival of lights and greenery, all adding to the festive atmosphere. In the small hall, tea, coffee and cakes were popular and gave people who hadn’t seen each other for some time the chance to sit and chat for a while.
A huge thank you
Such a successful event doesn’t happen by accident and our thanks go to everyone who played a part in making this such an enjoyable afternoon, with lots of smiles and happy faces. So, to the organising and hall decorating teams, the printing and publicity gurus, our brilliant stallholders, the people who so generously donated to the tombola and the raffle hamper and, of course, to everyone who visited and contributed so much to the atmosphere, a huge THANK YOU!
Raffle winner
Many congratulations to Sue Beck. You are the lucky winner of the Christmas Cornucopia Raffle Hamper, with the ticket number 358.
PS: Although everyone complied with Covid recommendations and the hall was kept well-ventilated throughout, we were sorry to hear that some people (both visitors and stallholders) were ‘pinged’ after the event, to advise they had been close to someone who had tested positive. Happily, as far as we know, all those contacted subsequently tested negative for Covid.
Deni Underwood
I was so sorry I could not make it but it looked as all went off very well