Saturday’s Gidding Christmas Cornucopia raised the wonderful amount of one thousand, one hundred and eleven pounds and eleven pence (OK – it was £1111.12 but why spoil a good headline for the sake of two half pennies!).
Behind the scenes
Congratulations and huge thanks to everyone involved in working hard behind the scenes to ensure a successful afternoon. From the initial ideas and design, the generous printing of the flyer, the dedicated deliverers of flyers to all the surrounding villages, the decoration of the hall and setting up of stalls, right through to the stallholders themselves for partaking in the event.
Dick Downer and Bruce Jordan very kindly donated their beautifully made items to the Village Hall to sell and the extremely busy Gidding Gobblers Café donated all of the days takings.
Love our Village Hall
Our Village Hall is most valuable to the community and is in need of some TLC. The funds raised will help to repair, decorate and replace some items that are just plain worn out.
Look forward to seeing a refreshed, bright and welcoming Village Hall soon!
What a fabulous day. The hall looked amazing and the turn out was just incredible! You must have worked so hard.
We felt the time slot was perfect too. It brought everybody in together, which made it buzz and gave it a really festive feel.
Well done. Look forward to the next one.
Mich and Sue
With regard to the hall
Have the council engaged with ACRE
Might be worth looking
Thanks Stephen. The Parish Council is a member of CambsACRE.