General information about the Group:
Meetings take place on the third Wednesday (September to April) and are very informal (no committee or agenda) and quite often we are just chatting about times past and memories, you don’t have to attend each one but would be really pleased if you would like to join us. The venue is usually the Fox and Hounds Pub and sometimes the Village Hall.
We have a growing collection of recordings of Gidding villagers talking about their memories – if you would like to take part please contact us. We have recently started to gather together photographs, newspaper articles and documents which have been generously donated to the Group and will be stored at the Village Hall. We welcome any additions to this collection, so please don’t throw anything away that may be of interest to the Group and/or future researchers of village/family/local history – what you may think is rubbish could be just what someone else is looking for.
I’ve been sorting through the photos of my husband’s late grandparents. His grandfather was a keen photographer, and took quite a lot of photos of children he met while he was leading Caravan Missions to the Vllage Children in 1929 to 1931. Would anyone be interested in the pictures he took in Great and Little Gidding? There might be a chance someone recognises a parent or grandparent.