Paper copies of the application for an anaerobic digester unit have been delivered to the Parish Council office. These include maps and documents and will be available to view on Friday afternoons (20th and 27th October and 3rd November), between 2.00 and 4.00PM – in the Village Hall.
Should you wish to make comments or observations to North Northamptonshire Council, 10th November is the date by which these should be received.
How to comment – quote reference NN/23/00026/WASFUL
You can make an objection or representation by online form:
Comment on a current minerals and waste planning application
You can also comment by email and post:
Post to Minerals and Waste Planning Services, North Northamptonshire Council, One Angel Square, Angel Street, Northampton, NN1 1ED
Thanks for this information.
Before sending my comments, is it known how many (and what size), vehicles will be delivering to the proposed plant each day – how many days a week and during what daily time period please?
Will Hemington Lodge Road need to be widened to accommodate lorries travelling in both directions?
Sorry I was ill at the time of the parish council meeting to discuss this matter so couldn’t attend.
Any info, greatly appreciated.