Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 16th June 2020 Present: Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Pudney and District Cllr Alban via Zoom and Cllr Dear via telephone link. 031.20 Chairman’s Welcome 032.20 To receive apologies and reasons for absence County Cllr Gardener 033.20 Member’s
Read more →Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 19th May 2020 Present: Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Pudney 015.20 Chairman’s Welcome 016.20 To receive apologies and reasons for absence Cllr Dear – unable to access internet County Cllr Gardener – family bereavement District Cllr
Read more →Across the country, places of worship are slowly opening their doors once again, after the months of closure during the worst of the COVID 19 pandemic. Coronavirus has not gone away. It is still around and still dangerous – witness events in Leicester. It’s just that our
Read more →After the blistering heat of May we have been enjoying a complete turn of weather in June with much needed rain and unusually strong winds which may or may not have made the insects happy. Some thunderstorms did reach us but fortunately weren’t serious enough to badly
Read more →We are delighted to announce that St Michael’s Church will re-open on Sunday 5th July. However, in line with safeguarding rules, the church will only be open for private prayer, and this will be limited to the south aisle, the area to your right as you come
Read more →It is over two months since we closed the doors of our church buildings as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. We are delighted that we can now plan towards a gradual reopening over the coming months. We continue to follow the guidance provided by the Government,
Read more →John Clare, the poet, knew what he was talking about when describing his nineteenth century rural world, although even then he was concerned about the changes taking place. I wonder what he would have made of the present ‘lockdown’ and the restrictions that have been placed on
Read more →GREAT & LITTLE GIDDING PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Great and Little Gidding Parish Council Meeting Held on Tuesday 17th March 2020 at Great Gidding Village Hall PRESENT: Cllrs Hodson, Dear and Pudney, and Parish Clerk *** some agenda items have been deferred to future meetings due to
Read more →In July 2019 I was fortunate to be able to attend the funeral of Dorothy Atkinson who had reached the great age of 100. Mrs Atkinson was one of the most joy-filled people I’ve ever met. She was still visiting the elderly, so she told me, well
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