Village Hall Committee – Could You Help?

Village Hall Committee – Could You Help?

Many of you will know that historically the Great Gidding Village Hall has been managed by a separate committee of volunteers who get involved in the day-to-day running of the Hall.  The Village Hall has been very well supported by the volunteers in the past, but we

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Parish Wide Litter Pick

Parish Wide Litter Pick

Over the last few days several village residents have come together to facilitate the parish wide litter pick. Its disapointing to have to resort to these activities but its the price we pay for a consumer society that has poor environmental credentials especially the redbullswillingcostacoffeelobbingmcdonaldsthrowingheinekensboozingcoladrinkingsandwichpackmunchingcrisppackettossing clients who

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2019-10-15 Minutes of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council Meeting

Held on Tuesday 15th October  2019 at Great Gidding Village Hall PRESENT:  Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Hebb, Dear, Page, Pudney 82.19                Chairman’s Welcome – Cllr Hill welcomed those present 83.19               To receive apologies and reasons for absence –                         County Councillor Gardener – attendance at another

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Listen out on Remembrance Sunday for the bells being rung half muffled.

Listen out on Remembrance Sunday for the bells being rung half muffled.

What are Bell Muffles?  These are used when ringing church bells “half muffled”. The bells ring in a sequence which then gives an effect like an echo.  This is because one half of the clapper is covered with a leather muffle, so on the front stroke the

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