To be held in the Village Hall, 7.30pm AGENDA 145.15 Chairman’s Welcome 146.15 To receive apologies and reasons for absence 147.15 Member’s Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 148.15 Public and press participation session with respect to items on the agenda 149.15 To confirm and accept minutes of
Read more →Notes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 19th May 2015, 7pm in the Village Hall Brian Robins, Cambridgeshire Police Force Speedwatch Coordinator, presented to the residents. Given the success of the Speedwatch group in Glatton, residents in Gidding have expressed an interest in forming a Speedwatch
Read more →Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Trustee meeting held on 16th June 2015 Present: Trustees Alexander (Chair), Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk Members of the public: None 36.15 Apologies and reasons for absence Apologies were received from Cllr James. No
Read more →Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk Members of the public: 0 D Cllr: Tuplin D Cllr: Tysoe 119.15 Chairman’s Welcome 120.15 To receive apologies and reasons for absence An apology was received for Cllr James. No apology was received for Cllr Howden. 121.15
Read more →Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Trustee meeting held on 19th May 2015 Present: Trustees Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk Members of the public: None 29.15 Apologies and reasons for absence Trustee Howden, apology accepted. 30.15 Member’s
Read more →Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk Members of the public: 0 C Cllr: Bywater D Cllr: Tysoe 93.15 To elect the Chairman of the Council and to receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office Cllr Alexander was, unanimously, voted in as
Read more →Minutes of the meeting of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council held on 21st April 2015, 7.30pm Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk Members of the public: 4 70.15 Chair’s welcome 71.15 Apologies and reasons for absence Cllr Howden, apology accepted. 72.15
Read more →Minutes of the meeting of Great Gidding Charity Trustee meeting held on 21st April 2015 Present: Trustees Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk Members of the public: None 21.15 Apologies and reasons for absence Trustee Howden, apology accepted. 22.15 Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary
Read more →Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Trustee meeting held on 21st April 2015 Present: Trustees Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson, Hayden and the Clerk Members of the public: None This impromptu meeting was called to discuss and respond to newly received
Read more →THESE ARE DRAFT MINUTES AND WILL BE REVIEWED AT THE NEXT MEETING Minutes of the meeting of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground Charity Trustee meeting held on 17th March 2015 Present: Trustees Alexander (Chair), James, Giddens, Hodson and the Clerk Members of the public: None This
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