Notes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 19th May 2015, 7pm in the Village Hall Brian Robins, Cambridgeshire Police Force Speedwatch Coordinator, presented to the residents. Given the success of the Speedwatch group in Glatton, residents in Gidding have expressed an interest in forming a Speedwatch
Read more →Did you know that there is a vacancy on the Parish Council? This is a unique position where you can make a difference to your community. It is voluntary, however, we only ask for an evening of your time, once a month. If you would like to
Read more →A male was assaulted on Main Street in Yaxley following an argument between a group of males walking and a group in a car. This happened between 23:45 and 00:15 on Sunday 23rd November 2014. If you think you may have witnessed anything to do with this
Read more →Cambridgeshire County Council is working with its colleagues and partners in health and the voluntary and community sector to improve how it provides information and advice for local people and would like to understand more about your concerns or worries about the future and staying independent, safe
Read more →Our Supporting Businesses and Communities Service is actively involved in the prevention rogue trading and doorstep crime. We’re just starting to gear up for National Consumer Week, which is led by the Trading Standards Institute, Citizens Advice and the National Trading Standards Board. It will take place
Read more →TO MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL: You are hereby summoned to attend the Great & Little Gidding Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 19th August 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, for the purpose of transacting the following business. Members of the Press and Public are invited to
Read more →The present committee will not be seeking re election. Therefore a new management committee must be found or the Village Hall may have to close until a way forward is found. The Village Hall has been thoroughly modernised internally and is a very useful meeting space or
Read more →Village Hall & Recreation Ground – need you The Parish Council are Trustees of the Village Hall and Recreation Ground but the day to day running is the responsibility of the management committee made up of volunteers from the village and 2 parish councillors. In 2014 the
Read more →The Monthly Parish Council Meeting The next meeting is on Monday 12th May 2014 Time 7:30pm Venue Village Hall General public very welcome to attend. Please note that this is a joint meeting with the Village hall and Recreation field AGM. A new committee to run these
Read more →The countdown to Christmas has started, and Huntingdonshire District Council would like to encourage you all to keep the party going by remembering to recycle over the festive period. We are recycling more at home than ever before, which is great, and we don’t want it to
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