Quiz Night and Supper

Quiz Night and Supper

Quiz Night and Supper at 6.30pm on Saturday 30th November at Great Gidding Village Hall. The cost of the ticket including a Rumbles supper is £15.00 per person (drinks are extra).   Teams between 2–6 persons. Licensed bar. Pre-order your food by 23rd November Drinks available to pre-order

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Village Hall Committee – Could You Help?

Village Hall Committee – Could You Help?

Many of you will know that historically the Great Gidding Village Hall has been managed by a separate committee of volunteers who get involved in the day-to-day running of the Hall.  The Village Hall has been very well supported by the volunteers in the past, but we

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THIS FRIDAY!!! Great Gidding’s great big ‘MORE THAN JUST A PLANT SALE’ evening.

THIS FRIDAY!!! Great Gidding's great big ‘MORE THAN JUST A PLANT SALE’ evening.

At 5.30p.m. on Friday May 10th we’ll be flinging open the doors of the Village Hall to welcome gardeners and plant hunters from near and far.. You can put your horticultural questions to Radio Cambridgeshire’s Tony Arnold in a Gardeners’ Question Time session. Browse stalls including interesting

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Gidding Gobblers Café is open this Sunday 7th April

Gidding Gobblers Café is open this Sunday 7th April

Gidding Gobblers Café is opening for the season on Sunday 7th April from 10am until 2pm in Great Gidding Village Hall. It’s a great opportunity for villagers to meet up with friends, neighbours and visitors and have a chat over coffee, cake and Sunday papers. We hope

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Great Gidding Village Show on Saturday!

Great Gidding Village Show on Saturday!

Don’t forget it’s show time this coming Saturday 1st September. Exhibits in by 12.00 please. The show is open to the public at 3.00p.m. Great food and activities for all the family including face painting, bouncy castle, BBQ, teas and cakes and bar. Come along and join

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