“Pop up” Jubilee Wood Knowledge Share

"Pop up" Jubilee Wood Knowledge Share

Next event – Pond life in, on and above & habitat construction Sunday 12th May 2.30pm. The May event focuses on the pond environment (although if it doent rain hard soon we may just be looking at a deep muddy puddle) Always facinating to see an active

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Gidding Gobblers Café is open this Sunday 7th April

Gidding Gobblers Café is open this Sunday 7th April

Gidding Gobblers Café is opening for the season on Sunday 7th April from 10am until 2pm in Great Gidding Village Hall. It’s a great opportunity for villagers to meet up with friends, neighbours and visitors and have a chat over coffee, cake and Sunday papers. We hope

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St Michael’s Church at Christmas

St Michael's Church at Christmas

Church Restoration The work at St Michael’s Church is now complete and the church has re-opened, the first service being the Primary School’s Christingle Service last Friday 14th December. The north aisle window and plaster has been repaired and restored. The opportunity was taken, at the same

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