New Sunday morning café for Great Gidding

New Sunday morning café for Great Gidding

Great Gidding’s new Cycle Café selling coffees, teas, homemade cakes and filled rolls opens this Sunday. Open to cyclists and non-cyclists every Sunday 10.00am – 2.00pm. Starting on Sunday 30th July 2017 in Great Gidding Village Hall. Julie and Krystyna look forward to welcoming you! Visit our

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Mary Jepp begins her new life in Kilmarnock

Mary Jepp begins her new life in Kilmarnock

The Induction of Revd Mary Jepp took place at Holy Trinity Church, Kilmarnock on Thursday 15th June. A number of people from the Benefice travelled north to attend. The church was packed for the service taken by the Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway. Besides Mary’s parishioners and

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Mary’s final service ends on a merry note

Mary's final service ends on a merry note

The Revd Mary Jepp’s final service took place on Sunday 21st May at St Michael’s Church. The service was one of Choral Evensong. We were delighted to welcome back “Divers Voyces” to lead the music, and they sang settings by Bruckner, Morales, Holst and Peter Phillips. The

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Repair work to St John’s and St Michael’s – A report

Repair work to St John's and St Michael's - A report

2016 was a very busy year in terms of fabric restoration at both our churches. Restored windows for St John’s Church, Little Gidding At St John’s Church, Little Gidding, the restoration of the fabric at the east end has been completed with the provisions of new stonework.

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Plenty to experience in and around our lovely Parish

Plenty to experience in and around our lovely Parish

Well we are now into the spring equinox & many of us will be enticed into the countryside by the sheer pleasure it brings to those of us who walk, cycle, ride or drive. Everyone is encouraged to make sure though, that they are clearly visible to

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GIDDING HISTORY GROUP – Archaeological Dig – 22nd and 23rd May 2017

GIDDING HISTORY GROUP - Archaeological Dig - 22nd and 23rd May 2017

Gidding History Group have been chosen by the University of Cambridge to host this year’s Higher Education Field Academy.  This annual event enables young people from local Academies to have a try at digging a test pit.  Details are on the attached poster.  We are seeking 12

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