GREAT & LITTLE GIDDING PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 20th April 2021 Present: Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney, District Councillor Alban and the Clerk 198.20 Cllr Hodson welcomed those present to the meeting. 199.20 No apologies for absence
Read more →Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 16th March 2021 Present: Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney, District Councillor Alban and the Clerk 181.20 Cllr Hodson welcomed those present to the meeting. 182.20 County Councillor Gardener gave his apologies as he was attending
Read more →Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 16th February 2021 Present: Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney, County Councillor Gardener and District Councillor Alban and the Clerk 162.20 Cllr Hodson welcomed those present to the meeting. 163.20 To receive apologies and reasons for
Read more →GREAT & LITTLE GIDDING PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 19th January 2021 Present: Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, Maciag and Pudney and the Clerk 147.20 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present at the meeting. Cllr Dear has resigned from the
Read more →GREAT & LITTLE GIDDING PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 15th December 2020 Present: District Councillor Alban, Cllrs Hodson, Hill, Cotton, and Pudney and the Clerk 132.20 Cllr Hodson, as Chairman, welcomed those present at the meeting 133.20 Apologies were received
Read more →The Mobile Post Office Van will continue to run as normal during this lockdown period. Services include Letters and parcels UK and Worldwide, Banking, Amazon returns
and lots more…
GREAT & LITTLE GIDDING PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 22nd September 2020 Present: Cllrs Hodson and Pudney and the Clerk at the Village Hall, Great Gidding and Cllr Hill joined the meeting via Zoom. There were two members of the
Read more →Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 21st July 2020 Present: Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Pudney and Dear at the Village Hall, Great Gidding and County Councillor Gardner joined the meeting later via Zoom. 048.20 Chairman’s Welcome 049.20 To receive apologies and reasons for absence:
Read more →Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 16th June 2020 Present: Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Pudney and District Cllr Alban via Zoom and Cllr Dear via telephone link. 031.20 Chairman’s Welcome 032.20 To receive apologies and reasons for absence County Cllr Gardener 033.20 Member’s
Read more →Minutes of the online meeting held, via Zoom, on Tuesday 19th May 2020 Present: Cllrs Hill, Hodson, Pudney 015.20 Chairman’s Welcome 016.20 To receive apologies and reasons for absence Cllr Dear – unable to access internet County Cllr Gardener – family bereavement District Cllr
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