Christmas this year will be unlike any previous Christmas. This also applies to Christmas celebrations in both our churches in the Giddings.
St Michael’s Church, Great Gidding
The Parochial Church Council explored the viability of a short Carol Service at St Michael’s, accepting the congregation would not be able to sing etc. We even found four people from outside the village to sing, socially distanced in the chancel. However, with the new COVID rules and Tier regulations, it was felt there were too many associated problems to ensure compliance with COVID rules, and keeping everyone (congregation and singers) safe.
There will be a Benefice Carol Service ‘online’ at 7pm on Christmas Eve. To join online please click on the benefice website: www.norleigh.org.uk
There will be no Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve this year. However there will be a short service of Holy Communion (no longer than thirty minutes) on Christmas Eve, to which you are all invited to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This service will start at the earlier time of 6.00pm.
If you wish to come to this service, can you please help us by informing John De Val of your intention to attend – this will be much appreciated.
You may either telephone him on 01832/293417 or email him
COVID requirements of masks, sanitizations, self distancing etc. will be followed.
Finally, the church will be CLOSED on Thursday morning (24th December) in order to meet the necessary safety regulations for our Christmas Eve service later in the day.
St John’s Church, Little Gidding
There will be no Carol Service at Little Gidding this year.
However it is planned to hold a service of Holy Communion on Sunday 27th December at 11am. However this is subject to completion of restoration work, and the appropriate Risk Assessment being carried out. Please check with the Gidding website nearer the time. Alternatively you can contact the churchwarden, John De Val (tel: 01832/293417).
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