Improved website accessibility
Great & Little Gidding Parish Council has identified that there are certain areas within the Parish Council pages that are not wholly accessible to people with various disabilities. We have therefore put in place changes to the website to improve accessibility. We have added an Accessibility Tool to the website that is available on every page in the top left hand corner. Click on the button to choose the relevant function.
You can read more about improving accessibility in our Accessibility Statement.
Please contact Parish Clerk on for further information.
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Parish Council Offices
Village Hall, Main Street
Great Gidding, Huntingdon PE28 5NU
Tel/Fax: 01832 293068
Jan Maciag
Julie Trolove
Office Opening Times
FRIDAY (except Bank Holidays) between 2.00PM and 4.30PM – Parish Clerk, Julie Trolove, will be in the office.
Alternatively, you may leave a message on 01832 293068 or send an e-mail to
Parish Council meetings
Held on the third Tuesday of the month starting at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Agendas will be displayed on the Noticeboard at the Village Hall (at the top of the steps) prior to each meeting and will advise if the venue is to be the Village Hall or will include joining details if the meeting is to be held online.
Jan Maciag – Chairman
Andrea Hargrave – Vice Chairman
Jack Bolton
Karen Moody
Paul Hodson
Please contact the Parish Clerk if you would like to join.
Contact with Councillors can be made through the Parish Council e-mail, or by phoning the office on 01832 293068 and leaving a message.