The Good Friday Walk is a legacy left by Mary which we want to keep in memory of her time here. On Good Friday, 30th April, there will be a walk between all the churches in the Benefice, a distance of approximately 16 miles.
On the next page is an itinerary for the day. At each church there will be a very brief service where we will listen to the Good Friday story and at Steeple Gidding there will be an opportunity to receive communion.
Those who have taken part before have made new acquaintances, felt a bond with other people in other villages, challenged themselves physically, joined in fellowship, heard the Good Friday story, marvelled at the wonderful churches and countryside in which we live.
We will stop for lunch at Winwick Village Hall. Please bring a packed lunch.
It has been arranged for us to use the facilities and purchase a delicious cake and a hot drink. Following the walk, tea and biscuits will be available for purchase at Ferrar House, Little Gidding.
Please join in. All are welcome to walk for as little or as much as you like.
Download the Good Friday Parish Walk – Itinerary
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