Another very successful History Day was held at Great Gidding Village Hall on the 18th of October.
Lots of visitors attended, some bringing information and others seeking it. The History team had prepared displays and information boards showing properties around the village both past and present.
Questions were posed about who lived where and when, dating of photographs and maps was another challenge.
A separate display highlighted those Great Gidding residents who served in the First World War, who survived and more poignantly who perished.
A new feature this time round was an archeological dig to find out what lay beneath the top soil of Great Gidding. See photos.
To help fortify visitors a “Tea Room” was set up in the Small Hall.
Lots of thank you’s to all the visitors on the day, the History Group team, Mr & Mrs Alexander for hosting the dig, Phil Hill for his archeological expertise and for running the “dig” Joan Chiswell and team for running the “Tea Room” Sawtry History Society for the loan of photographs and material and all the folks who provided pin boards for the displays.
However think the biggest thank you should go to Patrick Ellis who has lifted the lid on village life both in recent and distant past. His book and continuing studies have enthralled many in the village and beyond.
Thank you Patrick.
Time-lapse film of Great Gidding History Day
A time-lapse film recording all the activity surrounding the very successful History Day. I hope you will see this as a record of the day and as a historic document in its self. It will be interesting to see how a You tube video and other digital media helps historians of the future.
For the technical aspect the camera used was a Brinno TLC 200 mounted on a tripod and set to record a picture every second (NB. The video has been speeded up by 200%). The lighting was just daylight and the normal hall light. The camera aperture is F1.2 with a fixed field of view of 140°.
Photo gallery
- Patrick Ellis, author and driving force of the Great Gidding History Group
- Julie Trolove, history group administrator
- WW I display
- WWI display
- WWI display
- Historic photographs displays
- Historic photographs display
- A tribute to Dennis Veazey, former resident of Great Gidding and stalwart history group supporter
- Archelogical dig at 62 Main Street
- Archelogical dig
- Dig finds!
- Earnest discussions
- Village chat
- Viewing diplays
- Signing in desk
- Display boards
- Copying and scanning corner manned by Paul Burgess
- Serious discussions over a cuppa!
- Kevin King former resident, Rachel Giddens current resident.
- Time for a chat in the “tea room”
- Tea and Cakes
Really enjoyed viewing the photographs and video of the Great Gidding History Day. I wasn’t able to come and so really appreciated being able to see some of it. My mother’s side of the family the Farringtons lived and farmed in the area and although I now live miles away in Bath I love coming back to Gidding whenever I can.
Thanks, Sue Feather
Hello Sue
History Day was a great success – I am still working through the information and contacts that were made that day (one being a Farrington relative) and will e-mail you soon.
Thank you for your comments