Great Gidding School will close the playground gates for the final time next Wednesday 19th July.
The children and staff have put together an amazing collection of documents, photographs and items amassed over the years of the School’s history. They invite former pupils, parents, staff and village residents to call in, take a look around, share any memories and bring along photographs of schooldays. So far around 70 people have been to visit and have been delighted to find names or photos of people they know.
The Museum will be open TODAY, between 3.30 and 5.00PM:
PLEASE email the school on office@greatgidding.cambs.sch.uk to advise them – they would be delighted to see visitors, but need to ensure that someone is available to accompany you (if you need to phone on 293466, please be aware that school staff may not be available to answer your call).
Posted by Julie Trolove, Parish Clerk and village history enthusiast.
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