Great & Little Gidding Parish Council are conducting a survey to seek residents’ views about living and working in the Parish and to gather suggestions or comments on how we can improve aspects of life for all residents in our Community.
We would really like to get your inputs but mindful of Data Protection regulations, any responses to the 2018 survey will only be processed in hard copy. The survey will be distributed as part of the latest edition of the ‘Clarion’ or it can be accessed online on this website and printed. It is requested that all completed surveys are returned to the Post box at the Village Hall by 31 March 2018.
Please note all information derived from this survey will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used by the Parish Council. All the survey data will be retained until analysis of the results is complete. Results will be published in the Clarion and on the Giddings website and all original survey hardcopy submissions will be destroyed by 30 June 2018.
Click the link below to open the PDF
Great Gidding Parish Council Survey 1 Mar 18
We thank you for your time and look forward to your feedback.
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