Key points for the 2018/19 Council Year from Tim Alban, District Councillor for Stilton, Folksworth & Washingley Ward
New Council Year – New Council Ward
In May 2018 I was elected as one of two District Councillors to represent the new Stilton, Folksworth & Washingley ward and I have been busier during the past twelve months than at any time in the preceding 3 years. The ward is about 11 miles from Wansford in the north to Little Gidding in the south and even with my fellow ward councillor, Marge Beuttell and I splitting the ward in half, I am still the first point of contact for residents in 6 villages and 3 hamlets.
Getting to all the Parish Councils continues to be a challenge, especially as a number of them meet on the same evening but I have visited them all and enjoy working with the various Parish Councillors and Parish Clerks.
Marge and I also work well with our County Councillor Simon Bywater, especially when our areas of responsibility overlap.
I am fortunate to be the Chairman of the Council’s Customers & Partnerships – Overview & Scrutiny Panel, which covers some of the areas I am most interested in such as leisure and the environment.
The most time-consuming issue this year has been planning – something I had very little to do with in my first 3 years as a District Councillor. Although there hasn’t been much for me to be involved with in the Giddings with regards to planning, applications in Stilton and Holme have involved significant amount of work.
Other Issues
Over the last year I’ve worked to tackle fly-posting, dog fouling, dangerous and illegal parking, faulty and damaged signs, fly-tipping, pot holes, litter as well as issues for individual residents. Sometimes I’ve worked on my own, other times I have worked with Marge, Simon and some of our excellent Parish Councillors. The most unusual issue I have dealt with this year (if not ever) was the wayward portaloo and damaged signs at the junction of Milking Slade and Chapel end.
District Wide
This year the District Council part of the Council Tax went up by 2.66%, a new parking regime has been introduced so that charges better reflect the time used and changes were made to way the Council handles enquiries from residents who prefer to access more information online.
If you need to contact me please call me on 07193 101145 or email tim.alban@huntingdonshire.gov.uk you can also find me on Facebook and Twitter.
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