Present: Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hayden (Vice Chairman), Hodson, Howden, Giddens, Trolove, County Councillor McGuire, District Cllr Tysoe and clerk
Sue Jarvis attended the meeting to inform the Parish Council of plans to hold an event in the village hall on Saturday 2nd June for the Jubilee Celebrations. They would not however be going ahead with their proposal for a Country Fair on the Recreation Ground on 4th June.
785.12 Apologies for absence were received from District Cllr Tuplin
786.12 Minutes of 20th December 2011 were agreed and signed
787.12 Matters arising (information only)
788.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items Cllr Giddens 794.12
789.12 Grass cutting contract 2012- it was noted that the new contractor would start in April. As there are still funds allocated in 2011 budget for another cut it was agreed to contact the present contractor for a cut in March.
790.12 The Great Gidding Newt Trail update – interpretation boards were in hand but subject to the Lottery Funding allowing an extension of 2 months to allow work to be completed
791.12 Noticeboard refurbishment –only one key could be found for both boards and it was agreed to obtain 2 spare keys for the noticeboards
792.12 Rural Housing Needs Survey – still no update on when this will take place
793.12 Diamond Jubilee – village celebration update. It was agreed the group organising the event in the village hall on 2nd June would be allocated £500 to underwrite the event. A coffee morning to celebrate the Flora and Fauna at the Jubilee Woods was being organised for 3rd June but no PC funding requested.
794.12 Planning – Tree Preservation Order, 47 Main Street – It was agreed to write and state that the PC await outcome following the 6 month order
795.12 Rural Broadband – Mobile Phone Coverage. A letter had been received from Shailesh Vara MP who was looking in to this for the parish
796.12 Textile Recycling Bank in the village – the village hall had agreed to have this facility situated in their car park. (The public house had declined)
797.12 Fields in Trust – Queen Elizabeth II Recreation Ground- a suitable sign would need to be erected during the Jubilee Celebrations
798.12 Litterbin location on Main Street – it was agreed that all Parish Councillors view the location of the present bin with a view to suggestions of where it can be relocated
799.12 Local Minor Highway Improvements Funding – As the CC budget limit was £10,000 it was agreed to consult on costing for a foot way from Main Street to Gains Lane. If this exceeded the budget then a kerb along this stretch of Chapel End would be applied for. The PC has to contribute to any improvements with a maximum of £1000.
800.12 Vehicles exceeding speed limit through the village – a request has been made for information on any speedchecks carried out during the past year but no response had been received to date
801.12 Anglia in Bloom – It was agreed that the PC would not be involved in this year but encourage members of the village to take this community activity on (Clarion)
802.12 Rental agreement for Parish Land – it was agreed that the clerk draw up a draft agreement for discussion at the next meeting
803.12 The date for the Annual Parish Meeting was set for Tuesday 20th March at 7pm when village organisations would be invited along to give a short report on their activities (5mins)
804.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques were agreed
S Dalley (clerk) £295.70
Anglian Water (Rec Ground) £87.05
Anglian Water (Allotments) £18.57 (Charity)
805.12 Representatives reports
Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens – it was noted that another Anglian Water drain cover was missing – opposite The Mill
Allotments – Cllr Howden recommended an increase in the annual fee for 2013 – to be agreed at next meeting
Highways & Police – Cllr Hayden – no report
School – Cllr Alexander –
Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Cllr Howden reported that the Hall had seen an increase in bookings
Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson gave a brief update
Tree Warden – Cllr Trolove had planted 50 trees provided by HDC along Lodge Road, Hemington. He has also produced a definitive list of the trees at the Jubilee wood which will be numbered and tagged for easy identification by visitors.
806.12 Correspondence received
North West Hunts Neighbourhood Forum 25th Jan, Infant School, Sawtry – noted
Peterborough Cycle Club notice of race Monday 4th June – noted
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