Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 17th April 2012 at 7.30pm.
Present: Cllrs Alexander, Giddens, Hill, Hodson, Trolove and clerk
851.12 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Hayden and Howden and accepted
852.12 Minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2012 were agreed and signed
853.12 Matters arising (information only)
854.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items -none
855.12 Commemorative Tree for Jubilee Wood. Mr Tony Scott had arranged for the Deputy Lord Lieutenant to plant a tree in the Jubliee Wood and Cllr Trolove was given authority to purchase a suitable specimen funded from the village maintenance budget up to £35.
856.12 The Great Gidding Newt Trail update – awaiting arrival of the 3 interpretation boards
857.12 Speedwatch – there had been no interest in this initiative and it was agreed not to pursue at this time
858.12 Uncontested Parish Council Election – 6 councillors had applied for re-election
859.12 Diamond Jubilee Celebrations update – all three events were proceeding
860.12 Recreation Ground improvements to entrance and fencing – two of the three quotes requested had been received and it was agreed to accept the quote from A Stancombe Fencing Contractors Ltd for £408 inc VAT
861.12 Anglia in Bloom – there had been no response from parishioners to support an entry this year so an application would not submitted
862.12 Planning – no plans received
863.12 VAT refund of £455.54 was noted
864.12 Invitation to nominate 2 people to attend Jubilee Picnic at Burghley House – Mr & Mrs Andrew Alexander and Mr & Mrs M Trolove were nominated to represent the village
865.12 Notice of Audit had been received and public notice displayed
866.12 Housing Needs Survey report – it was agreed to ask for examples of where similar schemes had been successful for discussion at next meeting
867.12 Local Minor Improvement Bid – invitation to present application to panel received but written representation submitted
868.12 Rural Broadband – Shailesh Vara MP had offered to arrange a meeting with BT – it was agreed to accept this opportunity
869.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques agreed
S Dalley (clerk) £295.70
M Read (Clarion delivery) £10.00
870.12 Representatives reports
Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens – no known problems
Allotments – Cllr Howden – enquiry from family who do not live in the village but child attends school. It was agreed that the remaining half plot was not available to rent at this time as still being used for manure heap. A waiting list would be started.
Highways & Police – Cllr Hayden – not report
School – Cllr Alexander
Village Hall & Recreation Ground – The new chairs (100) were now in use.
Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson had produced end of year accounts these would be submitted for council approval next month
Tree Warden – Cllr Trolove had planted the wildflower seeds received from HDC around the new pond in the wood. A meeting had been arranged with the CC Tree officer for 21st May to assess the trees in Gains Lane
871.12 Correspondence received
HDC Standards committee meeting 5th July 2012
Invite to HDC meeting 25th April ‘What will localism mean for our Parish Council’- Cllr Alexander agreed to attend
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