Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 19th June 2012 at 7.30pm.

Present:   Cllrs Alexander (Chairman), Hodson, Howden, Trolove, Giddens, District Cllr Tuplin and Clerk


District Cllr Tuplin reported on the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 and the Alconbury Enterprise Zone which will provide 5000 new homes and 8000 jobs



888.12 Apologies for absence – none received

889.12 Election of vice Chairman – deferred to next meeting

890.12 Minutes of 15th May 2012 were agreed and signed

891.12 Matters arising (information only)

892.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none

893.12 Parish Councillor Vacancy Notice for Co-option.   It was agreed to advertise on the noticeboard


894.12 Allocation of Councillors responsibilities

Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens

Tree Warden – Cllr Trolove

Highways & Police – Cllr Hayden (tbc)

Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson

Village Hall & Recreation Ground – Cllr Howden

Allotments – Cllr Howden

School Liaison – Cllr Alexander


895.12 Accounts Audit Commission Annual return amendment and Internal Auditors report – observations were noted but no further action required


896.12 Financial Regulations annual review – it was agreed to amend all reference to Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations from 2003 and 2006 to 2011.   Para 11.1(h)(a) amend’ obtain 3 quotations’ to’ strive to obtain 3 quotations’


897.12 Risk Management annual review. It was agreed to produce a Grievance Policy.


898.12 Jubilee event reports – Saturday 2nd June dinner dance in the village hall had been successful. The Sunday 3rd coffee morning and tree planting at the Jubilee Wood was successful despite the inclement weather.   The Monday 4th picnic and games at the Recreation field was also successful.   All those helping to organise these event are to be congratulated.   The 7 bottles of wine left over from the 4th to be donated to the Annual picnic in the wood on 24th June.   The Alexanders and Troloves had represented the village at HM Queens Diamond Jubilee Picnic at Burghley House on Wed 13th June


899.12 Report on visit by CC Tree Warden to village.   Two trees in Gains Lane had been identified as needing to be taken down and the CC would carry out this work in due course


900.12 Back up of PC laptop –clerk to seek advice from PCok who programmed the laptop as to the best system to use to back up work



901.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques

S Dalley (clerk)                                                                  £295.70

AON Ltd (insurance)                                                         £512.29

Stancombe Fencing (Recreation Ground                           £408.00

J R Trolove (Jubilee Picnic)                                                 £89.94

Nene Valley Brewery (Jubilee Picnic)                                 £81.60

CGM grass cutting 4 cuts                                                   £171.32

Canalbs Ltd (internal audit)                                                  £96.00

Rental of Village Hall for PC office                                   £550.00

HDC electoral services                                                       £105.00

BT Direct Debit                                                                  £134.17

Anglian Water (Charity Account                                          £40.56


902.12 Village Hall & Recreation Ground accounts to be audited and presented at next meeting


903.12 Annual Appraisal for the clerk had been completed


904.12 Planning – application 1200677FUL wind turbine, Grange Farm, Gidding Rd, Sawtry had been withdrawn.   Cllr Giddens had agreed to attend the Town/Parish Planning forum on 25th June at HDC.   Cllr Trolove reported on the work at the sewerage treatment works and the reassurance that the road and verge would be reinstated on completion.


905.12 Local Minor Improvements bid – reserve scheme if sufficient funding available


906.12 Consultation on appointment of external auditor of Littlejohn LLP for five years-no comment


907.12 Rural Broadband meeting 22nd June 2012- Posters had been placed on noticeboard and website plus leaflets through all houses.   Presentation by BT at 7pm with MP in attendance


907.12 Correspondence received

Connecting Cambridgeshire – support the CC Broadband Campaign

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