Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 7.30pm.


926.12 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Trolove and accepted

927.12 Minutes of 17th July 2012 were agreed and signed

928.12 Matters arising (information only)

929.12 Parish councillor vacancy – Lydia James was co-opted

930.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none

931.12 Election of Vice Chairman – Cllr Hayden was elected

932.12 New Standards Regime and Code of Conduct – deferred to next meeting

933.12 Register of Members’ Interests – deferred to next meeting


934.12 Application for Dispensation from Standards Committee-Dispensation granted to seven members of Great & Little Gidding Parish Council to enable them to speak and vote on matters relating to the Village Hall, Recreation Ground and Great Gidding Charity until 30th  April 2016.


935.12 Rural Broadband – Get Cambridgeshire Connected.   31 residents had registered their support.   Rose Foster had kindly agreed to deliver a leaflet on this subject to every household.   Invitation to attend a networking event to be forwarded to all who attended meeting in the village hall asking for a volunteer to represent the parish.


936.12 Road Safety – Lutton Road crossroads.   FOI figures showed only 1 reported incident since the beginning of 2010.   Cllr James said she would ask if there were any other records that may show additional incidents and report back


937.12 Planning – 1201153FUL Erection of general purpose agricultural building following demolition of existing, Manor Site Farm, 91 Main Street – Recommend Approval


938.12 Pond update – interpretation boards had been erected at Main Street Pond and Chapel end Pond, the Jubilee Pond sign would be installed shortly.


939.12 Telephone Box – this had been knocked over by a road traffic accident and removed by BT.   BT had written to say that it would not be reinstated as it had only had 10 minutes of  usage in the last 12 months


940.12 Allotments – water leak and replacement lock.   Cllr Alexander had identified the leak and it was agreed he would fix a replacement joint.   Clerk to obtain a replacement lock and chain for the gate which had been damaged.


941.12 Rights of Way – Countryside Code.   Cllr Trolove had sent in a written report that gates had been left open and signs damaged.   It was agreed to put a reminder of the country code in the Clarion.   Cllr James had replacement signs which she would pass on to Cllr Trolove.


942.12 Deed of Dedication – Recreation Ground. The draft dead was accepted and details of trustees (all councillors) and names of 2 members with authority to execute legal documents, Cllrs Alexander and Hayden are nominated.


943.12 Audited Annual Return and notice of closure of audit.   Completed Audit had been received and notice of closure displayed on the noticeboards.



944.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques


S Dalley (clerk)                                                                  £295.70

CGM (grass cutting June/July)                                           £343.82 (inc VAT)

Grafton Projects (copier toner)                                             £71.52 (inc VAT)

The Information Commissioner (Data Protection)               £35.00

Moore Stephens (external audit)                                         £176.40

BT (Direct Debit)                                                                £122.21 (inc VAT)


945.12 Representatives reports

Rights of Way – Cllr Giddens reported that the grass did not get a second cut.


Tree Warden & Jubilee Wood – no report


Highways & Police – Cllr Hayden reported that he had contacted Tony King CC re overhanging vegetation in Gains Lane.   Clerk also requested to contact him about the poor state of the pavement along Main Street and request a sweep of the Jitty as this was now hazardous to walk along.


Finance & Charities – Cllr Hodson had produced a budget update and had submitted the Annual Great Gidding Charity return.


Village Hall & Recreation Ground- Cllr Howden reported regular maintenance tasks being carried out on village hall.   Wickstead had carried out a play equipment inspection at the Recreation Ground.


Allotments – an enquiry about erecting a poly tunnel had been made, no objection raised but a written request is the normal procedure.


School Liaison – Cllr Alexander had received no communication (school holiday)


946.12 Correspondence received


Invitation to attend Cambridgeshire ACRE AGM on 25th September received – Cllrs to let clerk know if they would like to attend by 13th September.


Huntingdonshire Matters – aims to bring our local community and organisations together to agree future challenges which face our district.   Postcards to collect residents views – ask village shop if they will display them.


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