Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Great Gidding on Tuesday 15th May 2012 at 7.30pm.

Present: Cllrs Alexander, Giddens, Hodson, Howden Trolove, County Cllr McGuire and Clerk

Councillors Declaration of Acceptance of Office were completed.


872.12 Election of Chairman – Cllr Alexander was nominated and all agreed

873.12 Election of vice Chairman – deferred to next meeting

874.12 Apologies for absence – none received

875.12 Minutes of 17th April 2012 were agreed and signed

876.12 Matters arising (information only)

877.12 Members declaration of interest for agenda items – none

878.12 Annual Review

Allocation of Councillor responsibilities to be confirmed at June meeting

Standing Orders – to be emailed to councillors – agreement at July meeting

Financial Regulations – to be emailed – agreement at June meeting

Assets Register – clerk to amend office equipment and add viewing platform

Risk Management – email – agreement June meeting

Staff Appraisal – Cllr Alexander and Giddens to action before June meeting

Insurance – renewal quote from AON of £512.29 accepted (add viewing platform)

Councillor Registration of Financial and Other Interests – completed by all present

879.12 Accounts Audit Commission Annual return

Section 2 completed Chairman and clerk signed section 1 & 2

880.12 Parish Field, Winwick Road – letter received from tenant requesting a reduction in the rent increase.   This was discussed but the increase was agreed to be fair in view of the length of time the present rate had been held – clerk to reply

881.12 Uncontested Parish Council Election vacancy – As Mr Hill did not stand for re-election there is a vacancy which can be filled by co-option

882.12 Housing Needs Survey report – examples of other sites.   This was discussed but agreed that there was not enough demand to warrant this scheme at the present time

883.12 Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques was agreed

S Dalley (clerk)                                                                  £295.70

Bradgate Fencing (grass cutting)                                        £127.50

Catalyst (Lottery Fund)                                                       £792.00

M Trolove (Jubilee Tree)                                                       £39.94 (inc VAT)

884.12 Village Hall & Recreation Ground accounts – to be presented at June meeting

885.12 Jubilee Celebrations – all three events are going to plan.   Clerk had been asked to write to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant to confirm his acceptance to take part in the tree planting ceremony at the Jubilee Wood on 3rd June – confirmation received

886.12 Planning – Variation of condition to extend date of 8-bay mobile classroom and covered walkway until 31/08/17. Notification of TPO on alder tree at 47 Main Street

887.12 Correspondence received

Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 invite to meeting 22nd May 2012 – District Cllr to be asked to report back to next meeting

Review of Neighbourhood Forums- views on proposal by 8th June 2012 – proposed smaller areas were favoured but it was felt that only one meeting per year was required with other meetings being called if necessary

Street Lighting briefing – Huntingdon Town Hall 7 – 8.30pm 11th June 2012 – Cllr Hayden to be invited to attend

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