Parish Council offices, Village Hall, Main Street, Great Gidding, Huntingdon PE28 5NU

Tel 01832 293068 email

Minutes of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF GREAT & LITTLE GIDDING PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 21st May 2013 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs Alexander, Howden, James, Trolove, Hodson and Giddens, County Cllr Bywater, District Cllr Tysoe, HACT representative, 13 members of the public and clerk

75.13   Election of Chairman 2013/2014 – it was proposed by Cllr Hodson and seconded by Cllr Trolove that Cllr Alexander be re-elected as Chairman – all agreed

76.13   Cllr Alexander signed  Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

77.13   Election of Vice Chairman 2013/2014 – it was proposed by Cllr Trolove and seconded by Cllr Hodson that Cllr James be elected to vice Chairman – all agreed

78.13  Cllr James signed Councillors Declarations of Acceptance of office

79.13   Apologies for absence – none received

80.13   Member’s declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary interest for items on the agenda – none

81.13  A representative from Huntingdonshire Association for Community Transport gave a presentation on this door to door service for people in rural locations and answered questions from members of the public and Cllrs.    The Parish Council agreed to put an article in the next Clarion to help inform everyone of this service

82.13 County Cllr Bywater introduced himself and spoke about the street light replacement scheme and encouraged everyone to report potholes to the County Council either via the website or telephone. District Cllr Tysoe spoke about the need to promote and use ‘One Leisure’ in Sawtry and about the Broadband roll out programme which has yet to be announced.

83.13 Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd April 2013 were agreed and signed

84.13   Matters arising from the minutes (information only)

85.13   Review of Standing Orders – Cllr James agreed to review for next meeting

86.13   Review of Financial Regulations – Cllr Hodson recommended no change to the regulations – all agreed.   He did however suggest transferring the PC deposit account into an active saver account to take advantage of a better interest rate – all agreed.

87.13   Staff Appraisal – Cllr Alexander and Cllr Giddens to agree a date with the clerk.

88.13   Approval of the Councils variable Direct Debit for the financial year 2013/2014 for BT – Billing was now monthly and not quarterly and the Broadband payment is £12.70 per month plus cost of calls.   All agreed

89.13   Review Risk Management – Cllr Howden agreed to review for next meeting

90.13   Review Insurance – it was agreed to accept the renewal AON £487.49 – clerk to remove suspension bridge from list of play equipment

91.13   Review asset register – Cllr Hodson had reviewed this and all agreed

92.13   Audit Commission Annual return –  Section 2 was completed and the Chairman and clerk signed section 1 and 2.

93.13   Dispensation to allow councillors to set the annual precept – the clerk completed and signed the form to allow the council to set the precept for their term of office – 3 years

94.13   Land registration paperwork for Fields in Trust status – clerk had obtained the necessary information to complete the paperwork and submit to the Land registry with a certified copy of the Deed of Dedication.

95.13   Real Time PAYE – the clerk is operating the new system

96.13  Reconciliation of accounts and payment of cheques agreed

S Dalley (clerk)                                                                £295.70

CGM grass cutting                                                          £180.53

Land Registry   AN1 RX1 2 x £40                                     £80.00


97.13. Funding request for event during Gala week – a request had been received from Julie Trolove for help with funding for an event planned for Wednesday 10th July, during the Gidding’s Gala Week.   The event will be open to all residents of the Giddings and to school children.  It will be a games event at the village hall with a bouncy castle (£95) additional Insurance cover (£50) and soft drinks and snacks.   The Parish Council agreed to fund the event up to £150 subject to receipt of invoices for payment or reimbursement.

98.13  Village Hall & Recreation Ground AGM minutes – It was noted the three existing members had given notice that they will be retiring at the 2014 AGM.   Notice of this will be included in the Clarion asking for volunteers to join the committee with a view to taking over next year.

99.13. Correspondence received

.Town/Parish Council Planning Forum 18th June, Pathfinder House – this was the same day as the June Parish Council meeting – other dates and venues to be looked at.

.CPRE Housing Policy Note – noted

.Local Infrastructure Needs return form by 31st May – none registered

.Cambridgeshire Bobby Scheme – noted

.Grass cutting: Public Rights of Way – note for the Clarion

.Cambridgeshire Future Transport  potential impact on villages – awaiting details of meeting, Cllr James agreed to attend

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